Chapter 10 - 18 Flashcards
Who was Muhammad?
the founder of Islam, according to Islam: the final prophet of Allah
What are the five Pillars of Islam?
Fasting, Prayer, Almsgiving, Hajj, and the Testimony of Faith
Describe Sunni (one of the subsections of Islam)?
followers of Islam
Who rebelled against the Umayyads, Sunni or Shi’a?
Describe the Shi’a (one of the subsections of Islam) ?
“the party of Ali” , believed that the caliph should be a descendant of Muhammad
What is Mecca
The most important city for the Islam faith; the birthplace of Muhammad
What is a Muslim
someone who belongs to the faith of Islam
What does “Muslim” mean in Arabic?
“one who has submitted”
What is Islam
the nation of muslims; the religion founded by Muhammad
What does “Islam” mean in Arabic?
“submission to the will of Allah”
What are the similarities between Islam to Judaism and Christianity?
When Muslims conquered lands with Christians and Jews, they treated them with respect; Muslims believe that they all worship the same god : Allah
Who are the Abbasids?
leaders in control of the Islamic community
Who came first, the Umayyads or Abbasids?
Where did the Abbasids move the capital of Islam to?
Who were the Umayyads?
a group that controlled the Islamic community; ended the period of the “Rightly Guided” caliphs
Where did the Umayyads move the capital of Islam to?
Who was Justinian?
the first and greatest ruler of the Byzantine Empire
What was the geography of Constantinople?
surrounded by water, on a peninsula, had a wall to protect themselves from the other side
What was the Hagia Sophia?
a huge elaborate church created under Justinian’s rule
What is the Eastern Orthodox Church?
one side of the church when the church split
What are the differences between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church?
The Eastern Orthodox Church has a patriarch instead of a pope and allows divorce and priests to marry
What is the Justinian Code?
A code of law for all of the Byzantine Empire
What are some main principles that the Justinian code talks about?
marriage, slavery, divorce, etc.
Who was Ivan III?
A Russian leader who defeated the Mongols and built the Russian Empire
What was Kiev?
The first Russian major city that combined the Slavic people and the Vikings
What is Moscow?
A Russian city that challenged the mongols; famous for its huge protective log wall
Who were the Mongols?
A ferocious group of people that ruled most of Southern Russian for about 200 years
Who was Genghis Khan?
The leader of the Mongols
What is the social structure of feudalism?
Lords, Nobles, Clergy
Peasants (and serfs)
What is chivalry?
a set of ideals that stated that knights fight bravely in honor of three “masters”
According to the code of chivalry, who should a brave knight fight for?
his chosen lady, his heavenly Lord, and his feudal lord
Who was Charlemagne?
The leader of the Carolingian Dynasty; spread Christianity
What was the Holy Roman Empire?
the political state of the Catholic Church
What is lay investiture?
the nomination of a church official by a secular leader
What are the Crusades?
a series of wars fought to gain control of the Holy Land
What was the Reconquista?
an effort by the Spanish to try to drive the Muslims out of Spain
What is the 3 Field System?
a system where farmers grow crops on 2/3 f their land and leave only 1/3 fallow
What is a burgher?
a merchant-class town dweller
what is a guild?
an organization of individuals in the same business or occupation working to improve the economic and social conditions of its members
Who was William the Conqueror?
a leader of Normandy who invaded England
What did William the Conqueror do after he invaded England?
He declared all of England his personal property
How did William the Conqueror’s efforts in England benefit England?
- unified control of the land
- set up foundation for centralized government
What is the Magna Carta?
a document that guaranteed basic political rights and checked the king’s power
Who was Phillip II
A king of England who established bailiffs to strengthen centralized government
Who was Henry II?
An English king who established appeals courts, gained french land, and established trial by jury
What is Parliament?
legislature in the English government
What was the Great Schism?
A major split in the Catholic Church
What caused the Great Schism?
2 popes were elected and started to fight
What was the Bubonic Plague?
A plague that swept through Europe, Asia, and the Muslim World (wiped out 1/3 of people)
What was the Hundred Year’s War?
A set of years that started because an English king died and his son claimed the French throne
What were some of the outcomes of the Hundred Year’s War?
- long bow invented
- nationalism increased
- ended Feudalism
- ended Middle Ages
Wo was Suleyman?
an ottoman leader who gained control of much of Europe created a law code, and limited taxes