Chapter 10 Flashcards
Why Do Performance Appraisal? (4)
- Administrative
- Development
- Supervisory
- Symbolic
Why Do Performance Appraisal? - Administrative reasons
- Who should be considered promotion or merit increase?
Who is not performing well? Need disciplinary measures?
A well documented set of performance appraisal can also be helpful in dealing with legal issues.
Why do performance appraisals - Developmental Reasons
Help employees to better understand employer expectations and key performance dimension of the job.
Assist employees to understand strengths and weakness in their performance.
Help employees understand how to improve performance.
Providing feedback is the essential part of employee development process.
Why do performance appraisals - Supervisory Reasons
Improves supervisory performance by helping supervisors to think systematically about employee performance.
Encourage communication with employees
Why do performance appraisals- Symbolic reasons
Create the perception that employers care about good employee performance.
Conducting performance appraisal process demonstrate the concern of performance to employees.
Unintentional Inaccuracies in Appraisals - Central tendency error
Occurs when appraisers rate all employees as “average” in everything
Unintentional Inaccuracies in Appraisals - halo error
Occurs when appraisers rate an individual either high or low on all Characteristics because one characteristic is either high or low
Unintentional Inaccuracies in Appraisals - recency errors
The tendency of appraisers to over weight recent events when appraising employee performance
Unintentional Inaccuracies in Appraisals - contrast effect
Tendency for a set of performance appraisals to be influenced upward by the presence of a very low performer or downward by the presence of a very high performer
Unintentional Inaccuracies in Appraisals - similarity effect
Tendency for a set of performance appraisers to inflate the appraisals of employees they see as similar to themselves
Unintentional Inaccuracies in Appraisals - leniency effect
Tendency of many appraisers to provide unduly high performance appraisals
Unintentional Inaccuracies in Appraisals - harshness effect
Tendency to provide unduly low performance appraisals
Methods & Instruments for appraisals (7)
- Ranking & forced distribution
- Graphic rating scale
- Behavioural observation scales
- Behaviourally anchored rating scales
- Objectives and results based systems
- Field review
- Combination approaches
Ranking: Forced distribution method
Performance appraisal method that stipulates the distribution of employees across the performance categories
Ranking: Paired comparison method
Determines the rank order of all employees in a unit by comparing each employee with each of the other employees in the unit