Chapter 10 Flashcards
What is intelligence?
Intelligence is the ability to meet the demands of environmental while being to control and understand mental activities
Understanding mental activities
G factor (spearman)
Refers to the general intelligence
S factor (Spearman)
Specifics for distinct mental abilities
Thurstone Seven factors of intelligence
- Verbal communications
- Word fluency
3, Numerical Skill - Spatial Ability
- Associative memory
- Perceptual Speed
- Reasoning
Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences
Believes that intelligence is split into independent forms of intelligence
There is little validity due to the study being very abstract and lacks empirical evidence
Robert Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of intelligence
Intelligence is made up of 3 components
1. Internal: acquiring and evaluating problems, measured through IQ tests
2. External Using active thinking when in new environments
3. Experiential: Problem solving and using new solutions
Stephan Ceci’s Bioecological Theory of intelligence
People will be more intelligent based on the info they absorb from their environment
Psychoanalytical approach
Where the unconscious mind is a gateway for intelligence to the conscious mind
What makes good testing?
Reliability: if the content is from a good source
Validity: measures what is supposed to measure
Content Validity
Alfred Binet
Created an iq test to distinguish between children with intellectual abilities and normal children
Galton and Psychophysical performance
People with more energy can develop greater intelligence
Flynn Effect
The IQ scores have been going up and people are going up but they dont know why
Emotional Intelligence
The ability to perceive, express and assimilate emotions
Characteristics of emotional intelligence
People who high Emotional intelligence are saught to be self aware, sensitive to how other people feel