chapter 10 Flashcards
gateway city
a city that serves as a link between one country or region and others bc of its physical situation
colonial city
cities that were deliberately established or developed as administrative or commercial centres by colonial or imperial powers
informal sector
econimic activities that take place beyond official record and are not subject to formalized systems of regulation and remuneration
a very large city characterized by both primacy and a high degree of centrality within its national economy
a condition in which cities grow more rapidly than the jobs and housing they can sustain
a condition in which the pop of the largest city in an organ system is disproportionately large in relation to the second and third largest cities in that system
primate city
a city that is the largest in its country, province, state, or region
rank-size rule
a statistical regularity in city size distributions of countries and regions
squatter settlement
residential developments on land that is neither owned nor rented by its occupants
urban system
interdependent set of urban settlements within a specified region
world city
places in the globalized world economy that are able to generate powerful spirals of local economic development, and act as pivotal points in the reorganization of global space
roles of cities within national and global urban systems
rank size rule
world cities
urban growth challenges
mega cities
unintended metropolis
rank size rule example
largest city 1 mil second largest 500,000 third 333,333
primate cities examples
mexico city