Chapter 10 Flashcards
Buildings with arched roofs and massive pillars and walls
A text NOT written in vernacular
Summa Theologica
Poems that described battles and political contests
Heroic epics
People who introduced Aristotle to Europe
Muslim and Jewish scholars
Two things Thomas Aquinas used in his logical method of intellectual investigation
Reason and faith
Who won the main battles of the Hundred Years War?
Peasant food soldiers
Heavy plow
Key difference between serfs and peasants
Serfs owned their land
Struggle between Henry IV and Gregory VII
Investiture Controversy
Born wealthy, he abandoned worldly goods and preached in poverty
Francis of Assisi
He attacked heresy by forming a religious order of poor preachers
Dominic de Guzmán
Harmonized Christian teachings with Greek philosophers
Language of everyday speech
Woman who inspired the French during the Hundred Years War
Joan of Arc
Their marriage united Castile and Aragon
Ferdinand and Isabella
Ten percent tax required of peasants
When secular rulers chose nominees to church offices and gave them symbols
Lay investiture
Prohibited priests from giving sacraments to certain people
Court created by the Church to try heretics
Killed 38 million people and had severe economic consequences
Black Death
Permanent tax set by Louis XI
English war after the Hundred Years War
War of the Roses
Conflict between these groups started the Great Schism
Catholic Church and European kings
One group that did NOT invade Western Europe during 9th and 10th centuries
Most people could read literature written in the —
Accused of heresy by council of Constance and burned at the stake
John Hus