Chapter 1 - Water and Carbon Cycle Flashcards
Atmospheric water
- Water found in the atmosphere mainly water vapour with some liquid water (cloud and rain droplets) and ice crystals.
Cryposheric water
- The water locked upon the Earth’s surface as ice.
- A discontinuous layer of water at or near the Earth’s surface. It includes all liquid and frozen surface waters, groundwater held in soil and rock and atmospheric water vapour.
Oceanic water
- The water contained in the Earth’s oceans and seas but not including such inland seas at the Caspian Sea.
Terrestrial water
- This consists of groundwater, soil moisture, lakes, wetlands, and rivers.
List some examples of Cryospheric water
- Perma frost
- Alpine glaciers
- Ice sheets
- Ice caps
- Sea ice
List some examples of Terrestrial water.
- Surface water
- Groundwater
- Soil Water
- Biological water.
What is Condensation?
- The process by which water vapor changes to liquid water.
What are the cryospheric processes?
- Those processes that affect the total mass of ice at any scale from local patches of frozen ground to global ice amounts. They include accumulation and ablation (The loss of ice mass).
What is a drainage basin?
- This is an area of land drained by a river and its tributaries. It includes water found on the surface, in the soil, and in near-surface geology.
What is evaporation?
- The process by which liquid water changes to a gas. This requires energy, which is provided by the sun and aided by the wind.
What is evapotranspiration?
- The total output of water from the drainage basin directly back into the atmosphere.
What is groundwater flow?
- The slow movement of water through underlying rocks.
What is infiltration?
- The downward movement of water from the surface into the soil.
What is bank full?
- The maximum discharge that the river channel is capable of carrying without flooding.
What is baseflow?
- This represents the norma day-to-day discharge of the river and is the consequence of slow-moving soil throughflow and groundwater seeping into the river channel.
What is a discharge?
- The amount of water in a river flowing past a particular point expressed as m^3s^-1 (cumecs)
What is lag time?
- The time between the peak rainfall and the peak discharge.
What is peak discharge?
- The point on a flood hydrograph when river discharge is at its greatest.
What is storm flow?
- Discharge resulting from storm precipitation involving both overland flow, through flow, and groundwater flow.
What is a storm hydrograph?
- A graph of discharge of a river over the time period when the normal flow of the river is affected by a storm event.
What is Anthropogenic CO2?
- Carbon dioxide generated by human activity.
What is the Biosphere?
- The total sum of all living matter.
What is Carbon Sequestration?
- The capture of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or capturing anthropogenic CO2 from large-scale stationary sources like power plants before it is released to the atmosphere. It is then put into storage after capture.
What is a Carbon sink?
- A store of carbon that absorbs more carbon than it releases.
What are Greenhouse gases?
- Any gaseous compound in the atmosphere that is capable of absorbing infrared radiation, thereby trapping and holding heat in the atmosphere.
What is the lithosphere?
- The crust and the uppermost mantle; this constitutes the hard and rigid outer layer of the Earth.
What is weathering?
- The breakdown of rocks in situ by a combination of weather, plants, and animals.
What is the enhanced greenhouse effect?
- The impact on the climate from the additional heat retained due to the increased amounts of carbon dioxide that humans have released in the Earth’s atmosphere s in the industrial revolution.
What is Geo-sequestration?
- The technology of capturing greenhouse gas emissions from power stations and pumping them int underground reservoirs.
What is Radiative forcing?
- The difference between the incoming solar energy absorbed by the Earth and energy radiated back to space.
What is Soil organic carbon
- The organic constituents in the soil: tissues from dead plants and animals, products produced as these decompose, and the soil microbial biomass.