Chapter 1 Vocab (EG) Flashcards
A general term that was applied to those who rejected infant baptism practiced by Roman Catholics and early Protestants
The process through which a person forsakes his or her own cultural tradition to become part of a different culture
Blaming the victim
The act of portraying the “problems” of racial, ethic, and other groups as their fault rather than recognizing society’s responsibility
In Rom culture a new wife who lives with husband’s family and comes under the supervision of her mother-in-law
Any group behavioral pattern that arises in opposition to the prevailing culture
The traditional Rom payment by the groom’s family to the bride’s family in a marriage arrangement
Definition of the situation
A concept referring to the idea that a social situation is whatever it is defined to be by the participants
The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other arbitrary reasons
The tendency to assume that one’s own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others
The functional extended family that is the essential nucleus of Rom social organization
Plural of famlia
Formal social control
Social control carried out by authorized agents such as police officers judges, school administrators and employers
Romani word for non-Gypsies
Society’s expectations of the proper behavior, attitudes and activities of males and females
Gender roles
Social control that is carried out casually by ordinary people through such means as laughter smiles and rituals
Informal social control
A group or category to which people feel they belong
The Rom system of law and justice
The Romani word for defilement or pollution used both as an object and a concept
The Romani word for “dirty”
A group or category to which people feel they do not belong
A negative attitude toward an entire category of people
The Gypsy way of life and view of the world embracing their moral codes, traditions, customs, rituals and rules of behavior
Techniques and strategies for preventing deviant human behavior in society
Social control
Social distance
The tendency to withdraw from a group