Chapter 1 The Work Of Historians And Archaeloogists Flashcards
Define History
A study of events that happened in the past
What are historians interested in?
The types of houses people lived in The types of food they ate The types of clothes they wore Tools and weapons Burial Customs The jobs at which they worked How they spent there leisure time The sports people played
What is the difference between history and prehistory?
The prehistoric period is before writing was used. We rely on archaeology for our evidence of this period
The historic period is when people used writing
What is a Source?
A source is evidence used by historians to find out what may have happened in the past?
What is a Primary Source
A primary source comes directly from the past.
What is a Secondary Source
A Secondary Source is evidence that comes at a later date and is usually based on a primary source.
Where do Historians read Sources
They may visit a place where written sources are stored. e.g. A library.
What does a historian do with a source?
They read or look at the source carefully, Judge if the source is reliable, they use cross checking, they use the time and place rule and they ask themselves Where was it created When it was created Why was it created And By Whom
What is BC now called?
BCE before the common era
What is AD now called?
CE common era.
What must historians consider when judging the reliability of sources?
Bias-Does the source favour one side or another?
Accuracy-Inaccurate source such as incorrect websites
Exaggeration-Making an event more important than it really is
Propaganda-A way of presenting information (sometimes false information.)
Time and place-An old person describing an event that happened fifty years ago may forget key details.
Opinions-Historians must be able to separate opinion from fact.
What is Archaeology?
Archaeology is the study of what has been left behind by people from the past.
How do objects end up in the ground?
Some are lost
Some are buried for safe keeping and forgotten about
Some were buried with people in pre Christian times.
What is an artefact?
When Archaeologists find man made objects they are called artefacts. E.g. Tools, jewellery and pottery.
In what conditions are objects well preserved? Give examples?
Very wet conditions-bogs
Very dry conditions-deserts
Very cold conditions-Antarctica
How to choose a sight for excavation?
Research Archaeology:When a site is chosen because their is evidence that objects could be found.
Rescue Archaeology: When a site is chosen because something is being built there and Archaeologists don’t want any artefacts to be lost.
Accident: When someone stumbles across an object of significance.
How do Archaeologists excavate a sight?
They conduct a survey
Dig test trenches
Remove the top soil with a JCB
Then use a variety of tools to dig for artefacts.
What tools does an archaeologist use?
A trowel A sieve A hand pick A camera And Brushes
What is a Geophysical survey?
A Geophysical survey is like an X ray using a special machine to look at the soil underneath the surface.
What do Archaeologists do with artefacts?
Archaeologists clean, bag and label artefacts before sending them to museums or labs for testing.
What different methods of dating do Archaeologists use?
Carbon or radiocarbon dating
Explain Stratigraphy.
Stratigraphy is when objects are dated by the depth at which they are found the deeper an object, the older it is.
Explain Dendrochronology.
Dendrochronology is used to date wooden objects. Each year a new ring grows on a tree. The number of rings inside the trunk tells you the age of the tree.
Explain Carbon or RadioCarbon Dating
All living objects contain carbon 14. When they die the amount of carbon 14 begins to decline- the older an object the less carbon 14 is present.
What can we learn from a skeleton
Male or female ( by the skull/pelvis) Height ( by the femur bone) The age (by the teeth) Cause of death (visible wounds) Facial Reconstruction Their diet (bones) DNA evidence ( DNA tests)
Which is more reliable primary or secondary sources?
Neither both must be checked just as much