Chapter 1: The Role of Marketing Research in Management Decision Making Flashcards
The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives
The Marketing Concept
A business philosophy based on consumer orientation, goal orientation, and systems orientation
Consumer Orientation
The identification of an focus on the people or firms most likely to buy a product, and the production of a good or service that will meet their needs most effectively
Goal Orientation
A focus on the accomplishment of corporate goals; a limit set on consumer orientation
Systems Orientation
The creation of a system to monitor the external environment and deliver the desired marketing mix to the target market
Marketing Mix
The unique blend of product/service, pricing, promotion, and distribution strategies designed to meet the needs of a specific target market
External Marketing Environment
Marketing mix must be altered because of changes in the environment and to identify new opportunities
Marketing Research
The planning, collection, and analysis of data relevant to marketing decision-making and the communication of the results of this analysis to management
Three functional roles of Marketing Research
Descriptive, Diagnostic, and Predective functions
Descriptive function
The gathering and presentation of statements of fact
Diagnostic function
The explanation of data or actions
Predictive function
Specification of how to use descriptive and diagnostic research to predict the results of a planned marketing decision
Return on quality
A management objective based on the principles that:
- The quality being delivered is at a level desired by the target market
- Level of quality must have a positive impact on profitability
Proactive management
Alters the marketing mix to fit newly emerging patterns in economic, social, and competitive environments
Reactive management
Waits for change to have a major impact on the firm before deciding to take action
Marketing strategy
A plan to guide the long-term use of a firm’s resources, based on its existing and projected internal capabilities and on projected changes in the external environment
Applied research
Research aimed at solving a specific, pragmatic problem - better understanding of the marketplace, determination of why a strategy or tactic failed, or reduction of uncertainty in management decision-making
What results does applied research provide?
Short-term results solving firm-specific problems
Basic (pure) research
Research aimed at expanding the frontiers of knowledge rather than solving a specific, programmatic problem
What results does basic research provide?
Long-term results ultimately solving real-world problems
Three broad categories of applied research
Programmatic, Selective, and Evaluative research
Programmatic research
Research conducted to develop marketing option through marketing segmentation, marketing opportunity analysis, or consumer attitude and product usage studies
Selective research
Research done to assess program performance
Evaluative research
Research used to test decision alternatives
When should a manager NOT conduct research?
- Resources are lacking
- Research results would not be useful
- Opportunity for market entry has passed
- Decision has already been made, even when used improperly
- Unspecified objectives caused by lack of collaboration
- Information already exists
- Cost of conducting research outweigh benefits