Chapter 1: The Discipline of Psychology Flashcards
7 main hubs
- social sciences
- math
- medicine
- earth sciences
- chemistry
- physics
- psychology
psychology is a combination of these two words
- psyche(soul)
- logos(the objective study of)
two major roots of psychology
philosophy and natural sciences
the first experimental psychologist
wilhelm wundt
william james
- coined the term “stream of consciousness”
- functionalism
- “principles of psychology” dominated the field for 50 years
max wertheimer
- gestalt psychology founder
- focused on the “whole” of behaviour
biological psychology
- focused on physical and chemical changes that cause behavior and mental processes
- the school of thought concerned with analyzing sensations and personal experiences into basic elements
- William wundt
carl rogers
- developed client-centered therapy
hermann von helmholtz
- his work on the speed of nerve signaling supported that the mind had a physical basis
individual differences
- an approach to psych that investigates variations in behavior from one person to the next
- personality
the school of psychology that focuses on the adaptive functions of behaviour
gestalt psychology
a school of psychology emphasizing the study of thinking, learning, and perception in whole units(not by analysis into parts)
sigmund freud
- developed psychodynamic theory and its applications to treat psychological disorders
- founded the study of personality
clinical psychology
the psychological perspective that seeks to explain, define, and treat abnormal behaviors
cognitive psychology
the study of information processing, thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving
urlic neisser
- coined the term cognition in 1967
the practices, values, and goals shared by groups of people
evolutionary psychology
approach that emphasizes inherited, adaptive behaviour of mental processes
john locke
philosopher that believed the mind was a blank slate at birth
personal observation of your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviour
a school of thought in psychology that emphasizes the study of observable behavior over the study of the mind
the mind constructs an overall perception out of building blocks made up of separate sensations
- viewed behaviour as purposeful because it led to survival
- William james