Chapter 1 Quiz 1 Flashcards
According to the National EMS Scope of Practice Model, an EMT should be able to:
assist a patient with certain prescribed medications
An EMS provider who has extensive training in various aspects of advanced life support (ALS) is called a(n):
Cardiac monitoring, pharmacologic interventions, and other advanced treatment skills are functions of the:
EMS as we know it today had its origins in 1966 with the publication of:
Accidental Death and Disability: The Neglected Disease of Modern Society.
If an EMT candidate has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, he or she should:
contact the state EMS office and provide its staff with the required documentation.
Obtaining and tracking continuing medical education is the responsibility of the:
individual EMT.
The person who is responsible for authorizing EMTs to perform emergency medical care in the field is the:
medical director
Which of the following skills would a layperson most likely be trained to perform before the arrival of EMS?
Bleeding control using a tourniquet
Which of the following statements regarding the EMS medical director and an EMT’s scope of practice is correct?
An EMT’s scope of practice may be expanded by the medical director after proper training and state approval.
Which type of medical direction do standing orders and protocols describe?
Why are prehospital emergency care guidelines updated on a regular basis?
Additional information and evidence indicate that the effectiveness of certain interventions has changed.
After assessing a patient’s blood glucose level, you accidentally stick yourself with the contaminated lancet. You should:
report the incident to your supervisor after the call.
A positive TB skin test indicates that:
you have been exposed to TB.
As an EMT, it is important to remember that the signs and symptoms of cumulative stress:
might not be obvious or present all the time.
Characteristics of eustress following dispatch to a high-speed motor vehicle collision may include:
increased self-image from performing well under a challenging situation.
Critical incident stress management (CISM) can occur at an ongoing scene in all of the following circumstances, except:
when patients are actively being assessed or treated.
Gloves, a mask, eye protection, and a face shield should be used:
when performing endotracheal intubation
Physiologic manifestations of stress include:
perspiration, increased blood glucose levels, and dilated pupils.
Prescription glasses do not provide adequate eye protection because they:
offer little or no side protection.
The simplest, yet most effective method of preventing the spread of an infectious disease is to:
wash your hands in between patient contacts.
Vector-borne transmission of an infectious organism occurs via:
animals or insects
Acting in such a way as to make another person fear immediate bodily harm is called:
All of the following are considered to be protected health information (PHI), except:
patient history
An EMT would most likely be held liable for abandonment if he or she:
did not make provisions for continued care of an injured patient.
A patient regains consciousness en route from his office to the emergency department. The patient tells you that he feels fine and does not want to go to the hospital. Under these circumstances, you should
assess whether the patient’s mental condition is impaired
As an EMT, the performance of your duties will be compared to that of:
another EMT.
For a do not resuscitate (DNR) order to be valid, it must:
clearly state the patient’s medical problem
If an action or procedure that was performed on a patient is not recorded on the written report:
it was not performed, according to the eyes of the law.
In many states, a minor may be treated as an adult for the purpose of consenting to or refusing medical treatment if the minor:
is self-supporting and lives by him- or herself.
In the eyes of the courts, an incomplete or untidy patient care form indicates:
inadequate patient care was administered.
When faced with a situation in which a patient is in cardiac arrest and a valid living will or DNR order cannot be located, you should:
begin resuscitation at once.
When you and your partner arrive at the residence of a man in cardiac arrest, you immediately recognize the patient as the drunk driver who killed your brother several years earlier. A backup ambulance is en route to the scene. You should:
begin two-rescuer CPR and apply the AED as soon as possible.
Which of the following most accurately defines negligence?
Deviation from the standard of care that might result in further injury
Which of the following patients has decision-making capacity and can legally refuse emergency medical treatment?
A conscious and alert woman with severe abdominal pain
Which of the following scenarios most accurately depicts abandonment?
A paramedic transfers patient care to an EMT.
While transporting a stable patient with chest pain to the hospital, you come across a major motor vehicle crash involving several critically injured patients. You should:
continue transporting your patient and notify the dispatcher of the crash.
While transporting a woman with diabetes, you inadvertently give her oral glucose even though her blood glucose level was high. You reassess the patient and note that her condition did not change; she remained stable. You should:
contact medical control and notify them of the error.
You and your partner are the first to arrive at a potential crime scene with a critically injured patient involved. The scene is safe. Your first priority is to:
provide immediate patient care.
You are dispatched to an apartment complex to respond to a shooting. Law enforcement personnel are present and have the suspect in custody. You find the patient lying in a narrow space between the couch and coffee table of his small apartment. He is semiconscious and has a large gunshot wound to his chest. You should:
quickly move the coffee table so you can access and treat the patient.
You arrive at the scene of an apparent death. When evaluating the patient, which of the following is a definitive sign of death?
Dependent lividity
After being dispatched on an emergency call, you should expect the dispatcher to provide you with all of the following information, except:
the general geographic location of the incident.
After receiving online orders from medical control to perform a patient care intervention, you should:
repeat the order to medical control word for word.
Any radio hardware containing a transmitter and a receiver that is located in a fixed location is called a:
base station.
A patient’s refusal of EMS treatment and/or transport must be:
an informed refusal.
A ___________ receives messages and signals on one frequency and then automatically retransmits them on a second frequency.
At the scene of a motor vehicle crash, you determine that there are two critically injured patients and that another ambulance is needed. You attempt to contact the dispatcher with your portable radio but are unsuccessful. You should:
use the mobile radio in the ambulance to contact dispatch.
Despite your numerous, sincere efforts to convince a 40-year-old man to consent to EMS treatment and transport, he refuses. After explaining the potential consequences of his refusal and determining that the patient has decision-making capacity, you ask him to sign an EMS refusal form, but he refuses to do that as well. You should:
ask a family member, law enforcement officer, or bystander to sign the form verifying that the patient refused to sign.
Ethnocentrism is defined as:
considering your own cultural values as more important when interacting with people of a different culture
General guidelines for effective radio communications include all of the following, except:
using 10 codes to ensure radio traffic confidentiality.
Medical control gives you an order that seems inappropriate for the patient’s condition. After confirming that you heard the physician correctly, you should:
advise the physician that the order is unclear and ask for clarification.
The official transfer of patient care does not occur until the EMT:
gives an oral report to the emergency room physician or nurse.
Which of the following is not a function of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)?
Maintaining communications equipment on the ambulance
Which of the following statements regarding a patient refusal is correct?
A mentally competent adult has the legal right to refuse EMS care and transport.
Which of the following statements regarding standing orders is correct?
Standing orders should be followed when physician contact is not possible.
Which type of communications equipment functions as a radio receiver and searches across several frequencies?
You and your partner are attempting to resuscitate a middle-aged female in cardiac arrest. Because of the remote geographic location, you are unable to contact medical control. What should you do?
Follow locally established protocols or standing orders.
A 5-year-old boy has fallen and has a severe deformity of the forearm near the wrist. He has possibly sustained a fracture of the ____________ forearm.
A diabetic patient has polydipsia. This means that she:
is excessively thirsty.
A patient has fractured both femurs. Anatomically, these injuries would be described as being:
Enlargement of the liver is called:
The term “pericardiocentesis” means:
The term “pericardiocentesis” means:
The topographic term used to describe the location of body parts that are closer toward the midline of the body is:
The topographic term used to describe the parts of the body that are nearer to the feet is:
After applying a tourniquet, the injury from a patient’s leg stops bleeding. This is called:
An intoxicated 40-year-old male is found lying face down. How would you document his body’s position?
A patient in a semi-reclined position with the head elevated to facilitate breathing is in the ___________ position.
A patient with a pneumothorax has unilateral chest expansion. This means that:
only one side of his chest rises when he inhales.
In relation to the chest, the back is:
Hazards that are associated with a structural fire include all of the following, except:
carbon dioxide deficiency.
you use a waterless handwashing substitute in the field, it is important to:
wash your hands with soap and water at the hospital if they have visible blood or body fluid on them