Chapter 1 Organizational Behavior Flashcards
What is organizational behavior?
More simply, OB focuses on the ____ individuals and groups in organizations act the way they do.
a field of study devoted to understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations.
What are the main components of the integrative model of OB?
- Individual outcomes (job perf. org. committment)
- Individual Mechanisms
- Organizational Mechanisms (job sat. stress, motivation)
- Group Mechanisms
- Individual Characteristics
- Individual Mechanisms
What are the 2 primary outcomes of OB?
Job performance
Organizational commitment
Most employees have two primary goals for their working lives: to _____ their jobs well and to ____ a member of an organization that they respect.
Likewise, most managers have two primary goals for their employees: to ____ their job performance and to ensure that they ____ with the firm for a significant length of time.
What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes of job perf. and org. committment?
Individual mechanisms (job satisfaction; stress; motivation; trust, justice, and ethics; learning and decision making)
- organizational mechanisms (organizational structure; organizational culture).
- Group mechanisms (team characteristics and diversity; team processes and communication; leader power and negotiation; leader styles and behaviors)
- Individual characteristics (personality and cultural values; ability)
Why might firms that are good at OB tend to be more profitable?
Because they have good people that are a valuable resource; they are:
- rare
- hard to imitate
- create a history that cannot be bought or copied
- make numerous small decisions that cannot be observed by competitors
- create socially complex resources such as culture, teamwork, trust, and reputation.
How are correlations interpreted?
Shows the relationships between two variables.
f=1.00 is really good
In OB research, a .50 correlation is considered “strong,” a .30 correlation is considered “moderate,” and a .10 correlation is considered “weak.”