Chapter 1 - On The Sociology Of Deviance Flashcards


Summary on the Sociology of Deviance


In the article, on the Sociology of Deviance, written by Kai T. Erickson, the functions of deviance in society through a sociological lens is discussed. Kai T. Erikson expresses how malleable deviance is and how forms of deviance have a direct impact on how society conceptualize and establish social boundaries. Social boundaries are established based on the votes regarding acceptability. Institutions regarding deviance in society also have 2 main purposes including (1) managing deviance and (2) enforcing deviance. Erikson also discusses how individuals who are labeled as deviant are involved in commitment ceremonies which further validates and amplifies the individual’s deviant label. Erikson also discusses the definition and impact of self-full filling prophecy phenomenon in which individuals are labeled as deviant continue the cycle of deviance and slowly transform into the negative image society has for them. Last, but not least, Erikson goes into depth of other vital functions deviance produces in society including: 1) It fosters the boundary divisions in the forms of acceptable and unacceptable categories 2) Deviance increases and solidifies cohesion, integration, and solidarity in order to manage and maintain a stable society 3) Deviance establishes a specific type of environment which guarantees individuals with jobs in crime and deviant behavior sectors.

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