Chapter 1 - Observation Skills Flashcards
What is Forensics Science?
- chemistry
- biology
- physics
- geology
- criminal
- civil law
Most Important tool of observations is to…
- make observations
- interpret observations
- report observations
What do Forensics Scientist Do?
- Identify the evidence
- Record the evidence
- Determine the significance of the evidence
- Can act as an expert witness in court
What Purpose does Evidence Serve?
prove s/o guilty or innocent
Skills of a Forensics Scientist
- Analytical Skills > identify a problem, look at the pieces, organize info, evaluate and make conclusions
- Deductive Reasoning > verify facts using logical reasoning
How Our Brain Processes Information»_space;
Information is picked up by our senses»_space; Brain chooses what to pay attention to»_space; Brain could play tricks on us»_space; Short term memory»_space; Long term memory
Eyewitness Testimony AKA….
First hand account
Testimonial Evidence is…
written or oral statements given to police by ppl who witnessed an event (not very reliable)
Factors that Affect Eyewitness Testimony
- focus or concentration
- emotional state
- alone or w ppl
- # of ppl or things in area
- activity around you
- personal beliefs, prejudices..
- memory problems
What is the Innocence Project?
- established in 1992 by Barry C. Scheck & Peter Neufeld
- purpose is to reexamine cases
- after research 87% faulty eyewitness accounts led to wrongful convictions
Who are the First People to Respond to the Scene?
the CSI
“Must haves” in a forensics tool kit
mask, gloves, evidence bags, and digital camera
How is a Crime Scene Secured?
What Chemical Tests for the Presence of Blood
Are Chalk Outlines Used?
No bc of possible contamination
What are the Two Most Important Finds at a Crime Scene?
Hair & Clothing Fibers
Who Touches a Body First?
a forensics pathologist
What are the Three Types of Fingerprints?
- Loops
- Whorls
- Arches
What are the Three Steps of Fingerprint Processing?
- Collection
- Processing
- Decision
What Causes Fingerprints to be Left on Surfaces?
What is a Limitation of DNA and fingerprint evidence?
you have to be in the system
What Can a Ballistics Team Tell from a Gunshot?
- Time of death
- The gun
- The height
- Distance
During What Time Frame do you Lose the Most Info?
after 48hrs
2 Types of Facial Composites
- Free Hand Sketches
- Composites
Simultaneous Lineup
where all photos are shown and victim chooses possible perpetrator
What are Facial Composites Used For?
to piece facial features together one at a time
A Double Blind Lineup
when the person who administers the line up does not know which person in the line up is the suspect and who are fillers (benefits integrity of eye witness)
Sequential Lineup
the victim picks the perpetrator
What Lineup does NJ use?
sequential line up