Chapter 1: Key Terms Flashcards
Social Influence
The effect that the words, actions, or mere presence of other people have on our thoughts, feelings, attitudes, or behavior
Social Psychology
The scientific study of the way in which people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by real or imagined presence of other people
The way in which people perceive, comprehend, and interpret the social world
Individual Differences
The aspects of people’s personalities that make them different from other people
Fundamental Attribution Error
The tendency to overestimate the extent to which people’s behavior is due to internal, dispositional factors and to underestimate the role of situational factors
A school of psychology maintaining that to understand human behavior, one need only consider the reinforcing properties of the environment - that is, how positive and negative events in the environment are associated with specific behaviors
Gestalt Psychology
A school of psychology stressing the importance of studying the subjective way in which an object appears in people’s minds, rather than the objective, physical attributes of the object
People’s evaluations of their own self-worth - that is, the extent to which they view themselves as good, competent, and decent
Social Cognition
How people think about themselves and the social world; more specifically, how people select, interpret, remember, and use social information of make judgments and decisions
Hindsight Bias
The tendency for people to exaggerate how much they could have predicted an outcome after knowing that it occurred
Observational Method
The technique whereby a researcher observes people and systematically records measurements or impressions of their behavior
Correlational Method
The technique whereby two or more variables are systematically measured and the relationship between them (i.e. how much one can be predicted from the other) is assessed
Correlational Coefficient
A statistical technique that assesses how well you can predict one variable from another- for example, how well you can predict people’s weight from their height
Random Selection
A way of ensuring that a sample of people is representative of a population by giving everyone in the population an equal chance of being selected for the sample
Experimental Method
The method in which the researcher randomly assigns participants to different conditions and ensures that these conditions are identical except for the independent variable