Chapter 1: introduction to hazardous materials Flashcards
Hazardous material
Substances that possess harmful characteristics
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
Dangerous hazardous materials, including chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or explosive (CBRNE) materials that have the potential to cause mass casualties and damage
The three steps in sizing up a situation
Locate, Isolate, mitigate.
To become less harsh or hostile.
To make less severe.
National Fire Protection Association
Non Profit educational association devoted to protecting life and property.
Authority having jurisdiction. An organization office our individual responsible for enforcing code or standard.
Hazmat level where personnel are typically at the Incident when it occurs, for example, industrial personnel or utility workers who witnessed an incident. They perform limited defensive actions, such as calling for help, evacuating the hazardous area, and securing the scene.
Awareness level
Level at which responders are dispatched to the scene in order to mitigate the incident. These responders may include firefighters, law-enforcement,industrial response personnel, or others. They are allowed to perform defensive attacks, but with some exceptions, they are not expected to come into direct contact with the hazardous material..
Operations level
These level of responders maybe trained beyond the set of core competencies to perform additional defense of task in limited offense of actions. These may include using specialized equipment and performing task with A might come in contact with the hazardous material.
Operations Mission- Specific Level
The______will develop the incident action plan and assign task to first responders
Incident Commander (IC)
Situational awareness
Perception of surrounding environment and ability to anticipate future events
Standard Operating Procedures
Standard method of rule in which a fire department operates
The source of a risk
Single exposure or several repeated exposures to a substance within a short time period.
Long-term, or reoccurring
Examples of routes of entry
Mechanical energy
Energy possessed by object due to there position or motion
What is pressure measured by
Pounds per square inch(Psi) or
kilopascals (kPa)
Hazardous material stored under_______can release violently if their containers are damage or miss handled.
Energy that is emitted as particles or Waves.
Chemicals that destroy or burn living tissues and have destructive effects by virtue of their corrosivity (Ability to cause corrosion, particularly to Metals.
Chemical or biological substances that cause sickness, illness, or injury by doing damage on the molecular scale when in contact with the body are considered?
Biological micro organisms, such as_______or bacteria, may cause severe, disabling disease or illness.
What are the three main primary mechanisms by which a hazardous material can cause bodily harm?
Energy release
Chemical,biological,radiological,nuclear or explosive
The following are potential causes of hazmat incidents
Human error Mechanical breakdowns/malfunctions Container failures Transportation accidents Deliberate acts- chemical suicide or WMD incidents
What are the 3 Hazmat training levels?
Awareness Level
Operations Level
Operations-Mission Specific