Chapter 1 Introduction to Emergency Medical Care Flashcards
Description of medical techniques or practices that are supported by scientific evidence of their safety and efficacy, rather than merely by supposition or tradition.
Medical Direction
Oversight of the patient-care aspects of an EMS system by the Medical Director.
Medical Director
A physician who assumes ultimate responsibility for the patient-care aspects of an EMS system. EMS professionals work under this physicians license which extends the privilege to practice at an expanded scope of practice while on duty.
911 System
A system for telephone access to report emergencies. A dispatcher takes the information and alers the EMS, fire, or police departments as needed.
Enhanced 911
A 911 system which has the ability to automatically identify a caller’s phone number and location.
Off-line Medical Direction
Standing orders issued by the Medical Director that allow EMT’s to give certain medications or perform certain procedures without speaking to the medical director or another physician.
On-line Medical Direction
Orders from the on-duty physician given directly to an EMT in the field by radio or telephone.
Patient Outcomes
The long-term survival rate of patients.
List of steps, such as assessments and interventions, to be taken in different situations. Protocols are developed by the Medical Director of an EMS service.
Quality Improvement
A process of continuous self-review with the purpose of identifying and correcting aspects of the system that requires improvement.
Standing Orders
A policy or protocol issued by a Medical Director that authorizes EMT’s and others to perform particular skills in certain situations.
Designated Agent
EMT or other person authorized by a medical director to give medications and provide emergency care.
Pre-hospital Care
EMS personnel begin to provide primary care for some conditions and some circumstances without transport to hospital.
List and Describe the four levels of EMT.
1) Emergency Medical Responder( EMR): Person who is often 1st in the scene.
2) Emergency Medical Technician (EMT): Provides Basic level medical and trauma care and transportation to a medical facility.
3) Advanced Emergency Medical Technician( AEMT) : Basic level care and transportation some advanced level care.
4) Paramedic ( EMT- Paramedic): all skills of the EMT’s and AEMT plus advanced level of skills.
List eight roles and responsibility’s of the EMT
1) Personal safety
2) Safety of the crew, patient, and by standers.
3) Patient assessment
4) patient care
5) lifting and moving
6) Transport
7) Transfer of care
8) patient advanced
List and describe the four evidence based processes.
1) Forming a hypothesis: experienced provider felt that a new medication would be safe to use.
2) Reviewing literature: provider goes to the local college library and searches medical literature.
3) Evaluating the evidence: provider meets with medical director to review the literature.
4) Adopting the practice of supports: medical director is convinced that the medication should be brought into the EMT scope of practice.
What are the primary components of the EMS system?
Emergency Medical Dispatcher (EMD). The EMS system including EMR, EMT, AEMT, Paramedic. Ambulance. Emergency department.
What is the EMT’s role in Public Health?
1) Injury prevention for Geriatric patients.
2) Injury prevention for youth
3) Public vaccination programs
4) Disease surveillance
What are a few good personal traits for the EMT?
Pleasant, Sincere, Cooperative, Resourceful, A self-starter, Emotionally stable, Able to lead, Neat and clean, Of good moral character and respectful of others, In control of personal habits, Controlled in conversation and able to communicate properly.