Chapter 1 - Foundations of Kinesiology/Basic movements Flashcards
study of motion/what affects it or human movement
Anatomic kinesiology
study of human musculoskeletal system and the musculotendinous sytem
application of mechanical physics of human motion
Structural kinesiology
study of muscles as they are involved in science of movement
- both skeletal and muscular structures are involved
Who uses kinesiology?
coaches, orthopedic surgeons, physical and occupational therapists, personal trainers, athletic trainers, PE teachers, nurses, etc.
Anatomical position
- head upright and facing foward, feet parallel and close, palms forward
- more anatomy based, and most accurate for all aspects of the body
Fundamental position
same as anatomical, but palms are facing the body
- used by coaches
face down
laying on back
Basic terms like:
lateral, medial, inferior, superior, anterior/ventral, posterior/dorsal, deep, superficial, distal, proximal, abduction/adduction, flexion/extension
directionally from the tail to the head
directionally from head to tail
directionally from head to tail
relating to or situated to the right or on the right side
relating to the fibular (lateral) side of the LE
on the same side
relating to the palm of the hand
relating to the sole or undersurface of the foot
from the center of the body out toward the distal ends of appendages
relating to the radial (lateral) side of the forearm or hand
near or toward the head, especially the front of the head
Scapular plane
in line with the normal resting position of the scapula
relating to, or situated to the left or on the left side of something
relating to the tibial (medial) side of the LE
relating to the ulnar (medial) side of the UE
relating to the palm of the hand or sole of the foot
- could be interchanged for palmar or plantar
Mid-axillary line
line running vertically down the surface of the body passing through the apex of the axilla
Mid-sternal line
a line running vertically down the surface of the body passing through the middle of the sternum
Anterior axillary line
a line running vertically down the surface of the body passing through the middle of the sternum
Anterior axillary line
a line that is parallel to the mid-axillary line and passes through the anterior axillary skinfold
Posterior axillary line
a line that is parallel to the mid-axillary line and passes through the posterior axillary skinfold
Mid-clavicular line
- a line running vertically down the surface of the body passing through the mid-point of the clavicle
- typically used by plastic surgeons pertaining to breast implants and reconstruction
Mid-inguinal point
- a point midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic symphysis
- place where the femoral artery is most superficial
Scapula line
a line running vertically down the posterior surface of the body passing through the inferior angle of the scapula
Vertebral line
a line running vertically down through the spinous processes of the spine
abnormal or excessive rotation forward of a structure
increased curving of the spine outward or backward in the sagittal plane
increased curving of the spine inward or forward in the sagittal plane
bending backward, as in knee hyperextension
abnormal or excessive rotation backward of a structure
lateral curving of the spine
outward angulation of the distal segment of a bone or joint, knock-knee
inward angulation of the distal segment of a bone or joint, bowlegged
Axial body regions
- trunk: thoracic, dorsal, abdominal, pelvic
- neck: cervical
- head: cranium and face (split by the hairline)
Appendicular body regions
- upper extremity: shoulder, arm, forearm, and manual
- lower extremity: leg (shank), thigh, pedal
circular movement of a limb, combo of ab/ad and flex/exten
Diagonal abduction
diagonal movement away from the trunk
Diagonal adduction
diagonal movement toward and across the midline
External rotation
rotary movement around the longitudinal axis of a bone away from the midline of the body
- standing and turning foot outwards, external rotation of hip
Internal rotation
rotary movement around the longitudinal axis of a bone toward the midline of the body
- standing and turning the foot inwards, internal rotation of hip
sole of foot turned outward
sole of foot turned inward
toes move toward shin
Plantar flexion
toes move away from shin, pointing toes
Pronation of foot
dorsiflexion, eversion and toe out
Supination of foot
plantar flexion, inversion, toe in
Pronation of radioulnar joint
palm down
Supination of radioulnar joint
palm up
Depression of shoulder girdle
interior movement of the shoulder girdle
Elevation of shoulder girdle
superior movement of the shoulder girdle, shrugging shoulders
Protraction/abduction of shoulder girdle
forward movement of the shoulder girdle/movement of scapula away from spine, chest presses
Retraction/adduction of shoulder girdle
backward movement of the shoulder girdle/movement of scapula toward spine, rows
Horizontal abduction of shoulder girdle
movement of the humerus or femur horizontally away from midline
Horizontal adduction of shoulder girdle
movement of the humerus or fetus horizontally toward midline
movement of the humerus away from the body in the scapular plane, lateral raises with thumb pointed upwards
Lateral flexion/abduction of spine
movement of head and/or trunk away from midline
Reduction of spine
return of spinal column to midline from lateral flexion
Dorsiflexion of wrist/hand
posterior hand towards posterior forearm
Palmar flexion of wrist/hand
anterior side of the hand moving towards anterior forearm
Radial flexion/deviation of wrist/hand
thumb towards radius
Ulnar flexion/deviation of wrist/hand
pinky towards ulna
Opposition of thumb
diagonal movement of the thumb across the hand