Chapter 1 - Building Construction and the Fire Service Flashcards
The process of restoring rundown or deteriorated properties by more affluent people, often displacing poorer residents is called?
Gentrification p12
An _________ _____ ________ system, especially an ________ _________ system, is the first line of defense in a building.
Automatic fire protection / automatic sprinkler p13
Amount of fuel present expressed quantitatively in terms of weight of fuel per unit area. This may be available fuel (consumable fuel) or total fuel is usually dry weight, is called?
Fuel loading p13
Nothing is more fundamental to a building than the?
materials from which it is constructed p14
The traditional construction classification were as follows:
- _____ - ________
- _______________
- ________ or _________
- _______ ________
- _____ ______
- Fire-Resistive
- Noncombustible
- Masonry or Ordinary
- Heavy Timber
- Wood Frame p14
Contemporary building codes use numerical designations for the various construction types as follows:
- Type I - ____-_______
- Type II - _________ ___________ or ____________
- Type III - ________ __________
- Type IV - _______ ________
- Type V - _____ ______
Type I - Fire-Resistive Type II - Protected Noncombustible or Noncombustible Type III - Exterior Protected Type IV - Heavy Timber Type V - Wood Frame p14
In many cases the actual construction type is?
Not obvious p14
The _________ of a building refers to its general shape or layout.
Configuration p15
______ is a primary factor for fire department operations.
The NFPA defines a building as an ________ when the heat from an external fire might cause ignition of or damage to the exposed building.
Exposure p17
Structure or separate part of the fireground to which the fire could spread?
Exposure p17
Large, uncontrollable fire covering a considerable area and crossing natural fire barriers such as streets; usually involves buildings in more than one block and causes a large fire loss. Forest fires can also be considered ____________.
Conflagration / conflagrations
p 17
The distance from the street line to the front of a building is called?
Setback p18
Line, area, or zone where structures and other human development meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland or vegetative fuels?
Wildland / Urban Interface p18
Communication of fire from building to building occurs by _________ and/or ________.
convection and/or radiation p18
_________ is the transfer of heat by the movement of liquids or gases usually in an upward direction.
Convection p18
________ spreads fire vertically through a structure by way of open stairs, shafts, and the inside of walls that lack fire stops. ________ spreads fire in all directions.
Convection / radiation p18
Horizontal communication of fire is mainly due to _______ ________.
thermal radiation
_________ ________ is the transfer of heat energy through space by electromagnetic waves.
Thermal radiation
All bodies emit thermal radiation at a rate dependent on their ________
absolute temperature
When two bodies, such as two buildings, have different temperatures, there will be a net transfer of energy from the?
body of higher temperature to the body of lower temperature
NFPA _______, Recommended Practice for Protection from Exterior Fire Exposure, describes the three levels of exposure based on the potential severity of the exposing fire.
Potential sources of building failure under fire conditions can include some or all of the following:
- ________ ________
- _______ _______
- ______ ________
- Structural integrity
- Building systems
- Design deficiencies
The collapse of a building under fire conditions is a result of the loss of a buildings _______ ________.
structural integrity
The structural integrity of a building under fire conditions is related to the _____ ________ and _________ of the _________ of which it is constructed.
fire resistance and combustibility of the materials
In the modern world, buildings function as ______ _______ to provide healthy, productive, and comfortable environments for the occupants.
total systems
Specific building systems include?
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC); electrical power; communications; plumbing; and transport such as elevators and conveyors
_______ systems are an essential aspect of all buildings and their design and installation should include ____ _______ at the openings where conduits penetrate floor slabs and firewalls.
Electrical / fire stopping
The term ______ _________ in this text refers to a failure to provide a level of fire safety appropriate to the ultimate use of the building.
design deficiencies
One very basic aspect of building safety is the provision of an adequate number of?
Design deficiencies can also occur in ____ _______ systems.
fire protection
Buildings built without a tenant or occupant are called?
Spec (speculation) building
Fire investigators are aware that when a building becomes obsolete and un marketable, they frequently become a?
target for arson
__________ is such an important concern to an architect that it frequently clashes with fire safety concerns.
A ________ _____ is a body of law that determines the minimum standards that a building must meet in the interest of community safety and health.
building code
Currently the most widely used model building code in the US is the?
International Building Code (IBC)
p 28
The International Building Code has a companion fire code, the?
International Fire Code
In Canada, a widely used building code is the?
National Building Code of Canada
All designers have a fundamental responsibility to provide a?
safe end product
In addition to fire safety, a building must have _______ _______ to prevent structural collapse.
adequate strength
The structural system must be adequate to withstand environmental forces such as?
wind, snow, and earthquakes
The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), for example, requires that manual fire alarm stations must be not more than ____ feet and not less than ____ feet above floor level so they can be reached from a wheelchair.
4 1/2 feet / 3 1/2 feet
People who are unable to use the stairs for emergency evacuation must be provided with alternative protection such as an?
area of refuge
A protected area where a person can remain temporarily until someone else provides assistance or instructions is called an?
area of refuge
Areas of refuge may not be required in buildings equipped with an?
automatic sprinkler system
Where required, the areas of refuge must be equipped with?
two-way communication so individuals can call for assistance
Availability of ______ is a basic consideration in the design of fire protection systems.
If the existing water mains cannot supply the required flow, it would be necessary to either increase the _____ of the _____ or provide for __-____ _______ and _____ _____.
size of the mains or provide for on-site storage and fire pumps
In all climates, energy __________ dictates the use of insulating materials.
Term used to describe the incorporation of such environmental principles as energy efficiency and environmentally friendly building materials into design and construction?
Green Design
It is very important for ________ and _____ officials to cooperate in the review and permit process.
building and fire officials
True or False:
The fire department is usually involved in the testing of the fire protection systems in new construction?
The primary role of the fire inspector is to ensure what?
proper installation and operation of the fire protection systems
It should be noted that the role of the fire inspector is to _________ system tests, not to actually ________ the tests.
witness / perform
Documentation of fire protection system test results should be maintained by the?
fire prevention bureau
_____________ __________ is a valuable tool in accomplishing control of emergencies in individual buildings.
Pre-incident planning
The act of preparing to handle an incident at a particular location or a particular type of incident before an incident occurs is called?
Pre incident Planning
Another means of obtaining, analyzing, and using data based on location is?
Geographic information systems (GIS)
Fundamental to the preincident planning process is information about a buildings __________. This includes the ________ type, location of ____ walls, _______ openings, _____ construction, exits and any smoke control systems that may be provided.
construction / construction type (i.e. wood frame, fire-resistive) / fire walls / vertical openings / roof construction
Because buildings periodically undergo renovation or remodeling, preincident planning cannot be a?
one-time occurrence
It is also critical to preplan during construction because buildings probably are never closer to?
“falling down” than they are during construction or renovation
Single family homes built in the 1920s were provided with _____ amp electrical service, today ______ amp service is typical.
30 / 200
p 10
Older neighborhoods sometimes undergo _______________ in which older properties are extensively rehabilitated to satisfy the desires of a modern real estate market.
p 12
The ___________ of a building often affects the ways in which building components behave under fire conditions.
p 13
Building access:
Examples of terrain features that cause access problems include steep ________, _________, and ______________.
slopes, rivers and landscaping
p 16
Building access:
______-______ _____________ that cause access problems include narrow roadways, setbacks and barriers placed for security.
Built-out environments
p 16
Communication of fire:
The earliest provisions of building codes were directed at the danger of _______________.
p 17
The problem of ______________ of fire remains significant, especially in older urban environments with closely spaced combustible construction.
p 17
Communication of fire
In the ___________/________ ____________, fire communication to exposures can be from shake (wood) roofs, open vents, exterior sidings and vegetation.
wildland/urban interface
p 18
In a large fire, convection currents can carry flaming debris great distances ___________.
p 18
- The transmission or transfer of heat energy from one body to another body at a lower temperature through intervening space by electromagnetic waves similar to radio waves or X-rays.
Thermal Radiation
p 19
Thermal radiation:
The intensity of the thermal radiation between bodies, such as two buildings, would increase by a factor of more than _____.
p 19-20
As the area of the opening increases in size, the amount of ___________ ___________ increases.
thermal radiation
p 20
The standard (NFPA 80A) classifies the levels of exposure as ________, ___________, or _________.
light, moderate or severe
p 20
Design deficiencies:
Providing adequate exits for expected occupant load is a crucial part of ?
fire safety design
p 23
Principles of design:
Buildings are not designed to collapse, catch fire, burn, or restrict egress; however, that does not mean that ______ and ______ ________ are the most prominent design considerations when owners and designers plan their projects.
fire / life safety
p 23
Buildings take on _________ as well as functional characteristics.
p 24
The overall design of a building, as well as the individual details, is determined by ___________ _______, and there are few situations where construction funds are unlimited.
available funds
p 25
A buildings design must facilitate its _____ _____.
end use
p 26
- Branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste.
p 26
- Body of local law, adopted by states, counties, cities or other governmental bodies to regulate the construction, renovation, and maintenance of buildings.
Building code
p 28
Although jurisdictions can write and adopt their own codes, they typically adopt all or a portion of a “________ ______” package as their building and fire code.
“model code”
p 28
Building codes:
Because they complement each other, both the ______ and __________ codes must be used together during facility design.
fire and building
p 28
Building codes:
Some jurisdictions may adopt and use codes developed by the NFPA, such as NFPA ____, Uniform Fire Code and NFPA _______, Building Construction and Safety Code. A commonly adopted NFPA code is the Life Safety Code, NFPA ______.
1 / 5000 / 101
p 28-29
Wind can create a negative pressure on the _______ and ___________ side of a building. These forces must be taken into account during the design phase.
roof / downwind
p 29
To provide accessibility for persons with impairments, the Act requires the removal of ______________ __________.
architectural barriers
p 30
Soil conditions:
Soil _________, _______ resistance, and stability are properties of importance in foundation design.
strength / strain
p 32
The owner may contract with a single firm to undertake both the design and construction of a building. Such an arrangement is known as a “________-_______” project.
p 34
Major technical specialties and their functions
- _________ engineering
- Water supply
- Sanitary sewers
- Surveying
- Site preparation and excavation
- Roadways
- Storm water drainage
- Civil
p 34
Major technical specialties and their functions
- ____________ engineering
- Determination of loads
- Foundation design
- Structural behavior
- Structural members
- Structural erection
- Structural
p 34
Major technical specialties and their functions
- _____________ engineering
- Pumping systems
- Elevators
- Plumbing systems
- Mechanical
p 34
Major technical specialties and their functions
- ____________ engineering
- Lighting
- Power
- Communications
- Electrical
p 34
Major technical specialties and their functions
- ______ ____________ engineering
- Automatic sprinklers
- Standpipes
- Fire alarm
- Smoke control
- Code compliance
- Fire protection
p 34-35
The design product:
It is not uncommon for a local code to require a specified type or amount of landscaping in the interest of ?
community beautification
p 35
- Group of people, usually five to seven, with experience in fire prevention, building construction, and/or code enforcement legally constituted to arbitrate differences of opinion between fire inspectors and building officials, property owners, occupants or builders.
Board of appeals
p 36
Renovation and remodeling:
_____________ of existing spaces through the creation of partitions can be hazardous, creating maze-like floor plans for emergency responders.
p 37
In a _____-________ project, the design and construction phases overlap.
p 37
Inspections are performed by the ____________ or ____________ representative and by the _____________ department.
architect / architect’s / building
p 38
The useful life span of a building can range from ___ to ____ years or more.
25 to 100 p10