Chapter 1 Flashcards
Four factors combined to make family therapy accepted and eventually popular.
- growth of the number of women enrolled in colleges and their demand for courses in family life education.
- initial establishment of marriage counseling.
- The founding of the National Council on Family Relations in 1938 and the journal, Marriage and Family Living, in 1939.
- the work of county home extension agents.
Concept of the division of the family into two antagonistic and competing groups
Theodore Lidz
Concept whereby one partner in the marriage dominates the family to a striking degree as a result of serious personality disorder in at least one of the partners; Theodore Lidz
Major Events in the Development of Family Therapy in the 1940s
American Association of Marriage Counselors (1942)
Publication of Concurrent Marital Therapy by Bela Mittleman
Theodore Litz and others Studies of schizophrenia in families by
National Mental Health Act (1946)
the double-bind
The concept developed by Jay Haley, John Weakland, and eventually Don Jackson, Gregory Bateson. This theory states that two seemingly contradictory messages may exist on different levels and lead to confusion, if not schizophrenic behavior, on the part of some individuals. For example, a person may receive the message to “act boldly and be careful.”
The “double-bind theory” states that when two contradictory messages are conveyed simultaneously, the receiver of this communication is stressed and may become mentally unbalanced.
dual therapy
conjoint couple therapy, credited to Carl Whitaker
contextual therapy
its major constructs being that human suffering is embedded within a biopsychosocial-cultural framework; Developed by Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy,
Major Events in the Development of Family Therapy in the 1950s
Formulation of the Double Bind Theory by the Bateson Group
Advocacy for working with families by Nathan Ackerman
Creation of Mental Research Institute (MRI) by Don Jackson (1958)
Influence of Milton Erickson’s techniques by Jay Haley
Influence of Carl Whitaker and his work on dual therapy (conjoint couple therapy)
Formation of initial ideas about his idea of family therapy by Murray Bowen
structural family therapy.
Salvador Minuchin formulated new approach to therapy based on structure used it with urban slum families he encountered that reduced the recidivism rate for the delinquents who comprised the population of his school.
systems theory
Credited to von Bertalanffy,
a system is a set of elements standing in interaction with one another. Each element in the system is affected by whatever happens to any other element.
The system is only as strong as its weakest part. Likewise, the system is greater than the sum of its parts.
linear causality
direct cause and effect
circular causality
the idea that events are related through a series of interacting loops or repeating cycles
family sculpting
the technique of arranging family members as a sculpture in the way they acted or responded to a significant event.
Major Events in the Development of Family Therapy in the 1960s
Jay Haley develops his own version of strategic family therapy.
Salvador Minuchin creates structural family therapy.
Virginia Satir originates a version of experiential family therapy.
John Bell works with families as if they were groups of strangers.
Systems theory is adopted as a way to work with families.
circular questioning
Credited to the Milan Group in Italy, asking questions that highlight differences among family members