Chapter 1 Flashcards
Four factors combined to make family therapy accepted and eventually popular.
- growth of the number of women enrolled in colleges and their demand for courses in family life education.
- initial establishment of marriage counseling.
- The founding of the National Council on Family Relations in 1938 and the journal, Marriage and Family Living, in 1939.
- the work of county home extension agents.
Concept of the division of the family into two antagonistic and competing groups
Theodore Lidz
Concept whereby one partner in the marriage dominates the family to a striking degree as a result of serious personality disorder in at least one of the partners; Theodore Lidz
Major Events in the Development of Family Therapy in the 1940s
American Association of Marriage Counselors (1942)
Publication of Concurrent Marital Therapy by Bela Mittleman
Theodore Litz and others Studies of schizophrenia in families by
National Mental Health Act (1946)
the double-bind
The concept developed by Jay Haley, John Weakland, and eventually Don Jackson, Gregory Bateson. This theory states that two seemingly contradictory messages may exist on different levels and lead to confusion, if not schizophrenic behavior, on the part of some individuals. For example, a person may receive the message to “act boldly and be careful.”
The “double-bind theory” states that when two contradictory messages are conveyed simultaneously, the receiver of this communication is stressed and may become mentally unbalanced.
dual therapy
conjoint couple therapy, credited to Carl Whitaker
contextual therapy
its major constructs being that human suffering is embedded within a biopsychosocial-cultural framework; Developed by Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy,
Major Events in the Development of Family Therapy in the 1950s
Formulation of the Double Bind Theory by the Bateson Group
Advocacy for working with families by Nathan Ackerman
Creation of Mental Research Institute (MRI) by Don Jackson (1958)
Influence of Milton Erickson’s techniques by Jay Haley
Influence of Carl Whitaker and his work on dual therapy (conjoint couple therapy)
Formation of initial ideas about his idea of family therapy by Murray Bowen
structural family therapy.
Salvador Minuchin formulated new approach to therapy based on structure used it with urban slum families he encountered that reduced the recidivism rate for the delinquents who comprised the population of his school.
systems theory
Credited to von Bertalanffy,
a system is a set of elements standing in interaction with one another. Each element in the system is affected by whatever happens to any other element.
The system is only as strong as its weakest part. Likewise, the system is greater than the sum of its parts.
linear causality
direct cause and effect
circular causality
the idea that events are related through a series of interacting loops or repeating cycles
family sculpting
the technique of arranging family members as a sculpture in the way they acted or responded to a significant event.
Major Events in the Development of Family Therapy in the 1960s
Jay Haley develops his own version of strategic family therapy.
Salvador Minuchin creates structural family therapy.
Virginia Satir originates a version of experiential family therapy.
John Bell works with families as if they were groups of strangers.
Systems theory is adopted as a way to work with families.
circular questioning
Credited to the Milan Group in Italy, asking questions that highlight differences among family members
triadic questioning
asking a third family member how two others members of the family relate
describes how some families mask what is going on between family members by giving conflicting and contradictory explanations of events.
feminist family therapy
an attitude, a lens, a body of ideas about gender hierarchy and its impact rather than a specific model of therapy or grab bag of clinical techniques. Feminists recognize the overriding importance of the power structure in any human system” They question, whether some concepts in family therapy, such as complementarity, circularity, and neutrality, are oppressive to women
Major Events in the Development of Family Therapy in the 1970s
AAMFT membership Increases over 700%.
The American Family Therapy Academy is founded.
Foreign therapies and therapists (especially the Milan Group) grow in influence.
Family enrichment becomes much more prevalent.
Feminism theory is introduced into the family therapy field.
multisystemic therapy (MST)
an intensive family- and community-based treatment for working with serious antisocial behaviors of children and adolescents.
MST was born out of frustration and necessity. It was an attempt to stem the tide against a dismally low success rate for working with at-risk adolescents.
MST is particularly focused on empowering parents and other important members of a youth’s ecology. The goal then as now is to help youth develop the necessary skills and competencies to reduce problematic behavior
Major Events in the Development of Family Therapy in the 1980s
New leadership emerged in family therapy with many of the leaders being WOMEN.
The field of family therapy GREW with psychology and counseling adding divisions.
There was an INCREASED EMPHASIS on research in family therapy and more publications of books and periodicals in the field.
MULTISYSTEMS THERAPY became prominent in working with juvenile offenders.
Family therapy was listed as one of four professions ELIGIBLE FOR MENTAL HEALTH TRAINEESHIPS.
gender-sensitive issues
Focus during 90s on gender sensitive issues in therapy rather than feminine or masculine issues
The reflecting team approach
Concept of Tom Andersen (1991), a democratic and collaborative model of working with couples and families, in which clinical observers of a therapeutic session come out from behind a one-way-mirror observing room to discuss with the therapist and client couple/family. Their impressions create an open environment and, through dialogue, the couple/family is made a part of the larger treatment team
The therapeutic conversations model
Harlene Anderson and Harry Goolishian postmodern approach in which the family therapist relates to the couple or family in a more egalitarian partnership.
The psychoeducational model
Carol Anderson (1988),approach to working with families that have a schizophrenic member, in which attention is given to teaching family members about multiple aspects of mental illness in a daylong “Survival Skills Workshop” focusing on boundaries, hierarchy, and maintaining the integrity of subsystems.
internal family systems model
Richard Schwartz model that considers both individual intrapsychic dynamics and family systems.
social constructionism,
our experiences are a function of how we think about them instead of objective entities.
This viewpoint is different from systemic assumptions and has caused many family therapists to reexamine their basic assumptions
Basic Family Therapy Skills Project
which was established in 1987 and focused on determining, defining, and testing “the skills essential for beginning family therapists to master for effective therapy practice”
second-order cybernetics
The cybernetics of cybernetics
Which stresses the impact of the family therapist’s inclusion and participation in family systems
Emphasizes positive feedback in system transformation.
Extends first-order cybernetic foci beyond the homeostatic and adaptive properties of family systems in general. The new epistemology also concentrates on the importance of family belief systems in treatment
Major Events in the Development of Family Therapy in the 1990s
New theories and specialties emerged within family therapy, e.g., the reflective team.
Social constructionism
Increased emphasis on the new epistemology and second-order cybernetics.
More emphasis was placed on educating practitioners to work with special types of families.
Major Events in the Development of Family Therapy 2000–2009
The growth and influence of family therapy became more international.
The licensure of family therapists was achieved in all 50 states.
Accreditation of family therapy education programs grew.
Research on the effect of family therapy on different cultural groups grew.
New versions of what it was like to work with families developed.
Major Events in the Development of Family Therapy 2000–2018
Scholarly family therapy journals were put online and technology became more prominent.
New codes of ethics were developed.
The 5th edition of the Diagnosis and Statistical Manual was published and affected reimbursement of family therapists by insurance companies.
Same-sex marriage became more prominent, accepted, and protected.