Chapter 1 Flashcards
What is a system
Collection of interrelated parts that work together to achieve a common purpose
Order of systems
Inputs, processes, outputs all achieving same purpose
Information system
Collection of hardware software or telecommunication networks that people build and use to collect create and distribute useful date in organizations, cannot be evaluated in isolation
Interacts with other systems in the organization
5 key elements of an IS
Hardware, software, people, data, telecommunication
Physical equipment used for input (keyboard) processing (CPU) and output activities (printer)
Instructions for equipment - not physical
People who operate the system use the info
Raw facts unformatted information
Networks of computers
Software types
System (operating) : works to tell how hardware to function
Application: how to preform specific functions
Processed Data, data snapped into a form that is meaningful and useful
Understanding the relationships between different pieces of information
Knowledge worker
Well educated professional who creates modifies or synthesizes knowledge as a fundamental part his profession
Knowledge society
Digital society, people work with their brains instead of hands, education is important rapid change is constant information is power
Digital divide
Difference between people who have access to technology and those who dont
Why organizations use IS
Automate existing manual process, do things faster cheaper and with accuracy, learn about the underlying business process that is supported by the IS and improve it
Gain competitive advantage
Technology side of IS
Any machine that can supplement or replace human or manual work
Type of technology that is controlled by or uses information
Provide useful date to people to help them preform tasks
5 types of organizational strategies
Overall low cost leadership Focused low cost leadership Broad differentiation Focused differentiation Best cost provider
Overall low cost leadership
Offer best prices in the industry or product service category broad catergory ex Walmart
Focused low cost
Focus on niche ex dell
Broad differentiation
Offer better prices than competitions broad focus ex Nordstrom
Focused differentiation
Focus on niche better than competitors ex apple
Best cost provider
Provide products or reasonably good quality at competitive prices ex jc penny target
Making the business case
Building a strong integrated set of arguments and evidence to prove that an IS will add value to the organization
People side of IS
People who develop maintain manage and study IS
Arguments on faith
Beliefs that IS must be implemented to support organizational strategy and gain competitive advantage
Arguments on fear
Notion that if the IS is not implemented the firm will lo out of competition or go out of business
Arguments based on facts
Based on data analysis and indisputable facts
A computer based information system includes
Data Software Hardware People Telecommunication
Manager who leads an organizations IS department is usually j own by
Worker who creates modifies and or synthesizes knowledge as a fundamental part of their job
Knowledge worker
What are core core competencies of IS
Business knowledge
Information technology knowledge
Systems knowledge
When a firm develops a system that it hopes will achieve an advantage in the market the effort is said to be
Competitive advantage means that a firm ca. Make a product or provide a service _______ than a competitor
Implementing an existing process with a computer IS is _____ that process
A solution dealing with either intangible costs or benefits in a business case is to use
Proxy variables