Chapter 1,3,4,5 Flashcards
Central ingredients of your life ( 2nd decade of 21st century)
Cultural differences
Intercultural communication
Imperative for intercultural competence
Interpersonal concerns/imperative
Largest and most extensive mixing up ever
US and the world
When is the multicultural population is expected to triple?
In 2050, this demographic is among the fastest growing groups
Children’s demographic
A multicultural society
% of the people in the US speak a language other than English at home
Common religion in the US
This make it possible to establish virtually instantaneous links to people thousands of miles away.
Communication media such as:
Global positioning satellites
Mobile phones
Contribute to the creation of the global village
Modern transportation system
One of the growth industries worldwide and the US benefits from it
International tourism
A major service sector export into the global economy
Us higher education
How much is the money spend on living expenses of international students
22 B
% of students come from outside the US
Thses are essential for the self awareness imperative for intercultural competence
Communication is…
It represent the shared meanings that are communicated
Word , action, object that stands for or represents a unit of meaning
Outcom s of the communication process
It means that the participants have imposed similar or shared interpretations about what the messages actually mean- communication has occurred
Means that each participant, not only understands the other’s interpretation but also holds a view that is similar to.
Pachakge of symbols used to create shared meanings
Explain : communication is symbolic
Symbols represent the shared meanings that are communicated. Meaning, in return, is a perception, thoughts, or feelings that a person experiences and might want to communicate with others
Explain: communication is interpretive
Whenever people communicate, they must interpret the symbolic actions of others and make a significance of those behaviors to create a meaningful account of the others’ actions
Explain: communication is transactional
It implies that all participants in the communication process work together to create and sustain the messages that develop.
There are diff views and models for how the process of communication takes place
This view held that communication was a linear, one-way flow of ideas and information and that the focus of this view was primarily on information transmission- reliant on the sender.
Actional view
Reasons why actional view is not very useful in the study of intercultural communication
- Sender’s goal is to persuade the receiver- more focused on selling and telling.
- This view assume the receivers of message are somehow inferior to the sender- little ability to influence the communication process- aimed mere manipulation of the receiver
This view emphasizes the construction of shared creation of messages and meanings.
Transactional view
All participants are simultaneously interpreting multiple messages at all moments. The messages not only include the meaning of the words said, but also the meaning conveyed by the tone of voice, the types of gestures, frequency..
Transactional view
The transactional view differs from interactional and actional in 2 ways
- It recognizes the goal of communication to improve one’s knowledge, seek understanding, develop agreement and negotiate shared meanings
- It recognizes that at any given instant,no one is just sending or just receiving messages
The actional view emphasizes ____ of the message, the interactional view emphasizes____
Ongoing responses are called
This view explicitly includes the receiver in the communication process and recognizes that the receivers provide the sender with feedback
Interactional view
Different aspects of the context
Explain: communication is contextual
All communication takes place within a setting or situation. Context-the place where people meet.
Includes the actual location of the interactants -outdoors, indoor etc.
Physical context
Refers to the widely shared expectations people have about the kinds of interactions that normally should occur given different kinds of social event.
Social context
Refers to the expectations people have about the behaviors of others as a result of differences in the relationships.
Interpersonal context
A sequence of many distinct but interrelated steps
A form of communication that involves a small number of individuals who are interacting-exclusively with one another and who therefore have the ability both to adapt their messages specifically for those others and to obtain immediate interpretations from them.
Interpersonal communication
4 characteristics of interpersonal communications
- It involves small number of people
- It involves people exclusively interacting with one another
- It involves immediate interpretation
- It is adapted to specific others.
5 metaphors used to describe the cultural mix within the US
Melting pot
Garden salad
Melting pot(huge crucible container)- Used to melt, mix and ultimately fused together metals or other substances.(3)
- immigrants BLEND together = assimilated culture = stronger and better than the indi cultures of which is composed.
- adopted some of the practices and preferences of other groups.
-ought to blended to overcome their indi weaknesses
Negative connotations about America(melting pot)
Abandon one’s cultural heritage in exchange for homogenized “American” culture
Tributaries (3)
-Like a huge cultural watershed providing numerous paths in which the many tributaries can flow.
- maintain unique identities
- combine to form a major river= blend=single common current
Negative connotation of tributaries
Subordinate to or less important than the mighty river into which they flow
-colours represented the wide variety of cultures.= coexist amicably
- pride, indentities, diversity
Negative connotation of rainbow metaphor
Cultures should be separate, unequal and hierarchically ordered
A decorative cloth made up of many strands of thread.
Tapestry (3)
-each thread is akin to a person and groups of similar threads are analogous to a culture
-image is not flawless
-static and unchangeable
Cultural groups in the US are more fluid than the tapestry metaphor might imply
Mortality patterns all alter the cultural landscape
Garden Salad
-blended into a unique, one hopes, tasteful mixture
-suggests an absence of firmness and stability
Refers to the coexistence of culturally different groups
Emphasize the desire to pay equal attention to all cultural groups and their experiences
Invoked a spirit of cultural pluralism and presumed equality.
Post racial
Refers to the notion that a society no longer has any racial conflict
Term used to referred to White Americans . Suggested the economic and political power of white US Americans
Dominant culture
People from nondominant cultures
-subordinate / inferior
-unworthy of access to resources
Alternative label for white US Americans
Common cultural heritage of US
European Americans
Intxt that is perceived as effective in fulfilling certain rewarding objectives in a way that is also appropriate to the context in which the interaction occurs.
Competent communication
Means that competence is a social judgement about how well a person interacts with others
Results in behaviors that are regarded as appropriate -the actions of the communicators fit the expectations and demands of the situation
Competent interpersonal communication
People use the symbols they are expected to use in a given context
Appropriate communication
Results in behaviors that are effective in achieving desired personal outcomes
Competent interpersonal communication
A social judgement that people make about others
Communication competence
Judgement depends on the ff:
- context
- rel bet the interactants
- goals or objectives that the interactants want to achieve
- specific verbal and nonverbal messages
Components of intercultural competence
Appropriateness and effectiveness
It is not independent of the relationships and situations within which communication occurs
It means those behaviors that are regarded as proper and suitable given the expectations generated by a given culture l, situation etc.
It means those behaviours that lead to the achievement of desired outcomes
Refers to the cognitive information you need to have about the people, context, and norms of appropriateness that operate in a specific culture.
Includes people’s overall set of emotional associations as they anticipate and actually communicate interculturally.
Refers to the actual performance of those behaviors that are regarded as appropriate and effective