Chapter 1 Flashcards
The electronic device was used as a switch in the first digital computer.
Vacuum Tubes
What does ENIAC stand for_________.
Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator.
Who is credited with creating the stored program computer model?
Limits to computing power are caused by the throughput bottlnecks between the CPU and _________
Which device uses a lot of power and fives off a lot of heat?
Vacuum Tubes
The motherboard is
the core of the system. It really is the PC; everything else is connected to it, and it controls everything in the system.
The processor is
is often thought of as the “engine” of the computer. It’s also called the CPU (central processing unit).
Memory (RAM)
The system memory is often called RAM ( for random access memory). This is the primary working memory, which holds all the programs and data the processor is using at a given time.
The case is the frame or chassis that houses the motherboard, power supply, disk drives, adapter cards, and any other physical components in the system.
The power supply
feeds electrical power to the internal components in the PC.
The floppy drive is
is a low- capacity, removable- media, magnetic- storage de-vice. Many recent systems use other types of removable magnetic or USB-based flash memory devices instead of floppy drives for removable storage.
The hard disk is
the primary high- capacity storage media for the system.
CD ( compact disc) and DVD ( digital versatile disc) drives are
relatively high-capacity, removable- media, optical drives; most newer systems include drives featuring write/ rewrite capability.
The keyboard is
the primary device on a PC that is used by a human to com-municate with and control a system.
Although many types of pointing devices are on the market today, the first and most popular device for this purpose is the mouse.
Video Card
The video card controls the information you see on the monitor. (may be integrated into the motherboard on many recent systems, particularly entry- level systems.)
displays information and graphics that are sent to it by the video card.
A sound card
enables the PC to generate complex sounds. (may be integrated into the motherboard on many recent systems, particularly entry- level systems.)
Most prebuilt PCs ship with a network interface and possibly a modem. (may be integrated into the motherboard on many recent systems, particularly entry- level systems.)
Who build the first large-scale computer for the military?
John P. Eckert, John W. Mauchly, and their as-sociates at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946