Chapter 1-2 Flashcards
Energy transferring through waves is also known as
This type of energy has longer wavelengths than visible light.
Infrared Radiation
This type of energy has shorter wavelengths than visible light
Ultraviolet Radiation
This is the term for “lights flashing in all directions”.
This refers to when gases trap heat in the atmosphere to form a “blanket” around earth.
Greenhouse Effect
The Greenhouse Effect occurs when gases trap heat in the atmosphere to form a ________ around earth.
A form of energy that can travel through space
Electromagnetic Energy
The direct transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves.
A form of energy with wavelengths that are longer than visible light
Infrared Radiation
A form of energy with wavelengths that are shorter than visible light
Ultraviolet radiation
Reflection of light in all directions.
Greenhouse Effect occurs when heat is trapped in the atmosphere by:
a. water vapor
b. carbon monoxide
c. methane
d. other gases
e. carbon dioxide
f. all of the above
g. a, c, d, e
g. a, c, d, e
What is the process called that takes energy from the sun and transfers it in electromagnetic waves?
Where does most visible light and infrared radiation come from?
the sun
Different colors result of different wavelengths of visible light form a ______.
What absorbs most ultraviolet radiation?
What absorbs other radiation besides ultraviolet radiation?
other gases
What does the earth do with sunlight?
Shoots it back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation
True or False:
The Greenhouse Effect makes the environment less comfortable for most living things.
Makes it MORE comfortable
This refers to how much energy molecules have in an object
Thermal Energy
This term refers to how hot or cold something is.
what is the tool called that measures temperature?
This refers to “Hot” transferring to “Cooler” stuff through direct contact.
This term refers to heat transferred in a fluid or gas.
This term refers to the energy of motion in the molecules of a substance.
Thermal Energy
This term refers to the average amount of energy of motion in the molecules of a substance
A thin glass tube with a bulb on one end that contains a liquid (usually mercury or alcohol). Is used to measure temperature.
The energy transferred from a hotter object to a cooler one
The direct transfer of heat from one substance to another substance that it is touching
The transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid or gas
Gases consist of spread molecules that are always ______.
Why do thermometers work?
Because the liquid expands when it is hot and contracts when cooled
In what three things is heat transferred?
True or False
The earth’s surface is warmed by radiation and conduction from the surface to the air.
True or False:
Convection causes most of the heating in the troposphere.
True or False:
The more energy, the slower the molecules move.
They move FASTER
True or False
The sky appears blue because blue is scattered more than other colors.
The energy from the sun is mostly _____ and ______.
light and radiation
What is the term for energy of motion of molecules?
Thermal Energy
The earth’s surface _________ directly to the atmosphere.
___________ circulates heat throughout the atmosphere
In colder air, molecules move (closer or farther)?
When air is warmed the molecules move (closer or farther) and the air becomes (more or less) dense
The movement of _____ in the atmosphere causes temperatures to change, winds to blow, and rain to fall.
True or False:
Heat is not a major factor in the weather?
True or False:
Nearly all of the energy in the earth’s atmosphere comes from the moon.
Comes from the SUN!
Electromagnetic waves are classified according to _____ or distance between waves.
The direct transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves is called ________.
Most of the energy from the sun reaches Earth in the form of _________ light, infrared_______, and a small amount of _________ radiation.
Visible light is a mixture of all of the colors that you see in a rainbow which are what:
red orange yellow green blue violet
What causes the colors in a rainbow to be different?
different wavelengths
What colors have the longest wavelengths?
a. red and orange
b. red and blue
c. blue and violet
a. red and orange
What colors have the shortest wavelengths?
a. red and orange
b. red and blue
c. blue and violet
c. blue and violet
True or False:
Infrared radiation is a form of energy with wavelengths that are longer than red light.
True or False:
Infrared radiation is not visible but can be felt as heat.
True or false:
The wavelengths of ultraviolet radiation are shorter than violet light.
What form of radiation can also cause skin cancer and eye damage?
Ultraviolet radiation
True or False
Clouds in the atmosphere act like mirrors, reflecting some solar energy back into space.
True or False
Dust particles and molecules of gases in the atmosphere reflect light from the sun in two directions.
Reflects light from the sun in ALL directions
This reflection of light in all directions is called ___________.
When you look at the sky, the light you see has been scattered by ______ _________ in the atmosphere.
gas molecules
______ ___________ scatter short wavelengths of visible light (blue and indigo) more than long wavelengths (red and orange).
Gas molecules
True or False
Scattered light is bluer than ordinary sunlight, which is why the daytime sky looks blue.
What happens to the sun’s energy that is absorbed by the land and water?
It is changed into heat.
Three forms of radiation from the sun:
Gases are made up of small particles called ______ which are constantly _________.
Would molecules in ice cold lemonade move slowly or quickly?
Would molecules in hot chocolate move slowly or quickly?
What happens in a thermometer when the temperature decreases?
The liquid in the bulb contracts and moves down the tube.
Heat is transferred in what three ways?
True or False.
Radiation, conduction, and convection work together to heat the troposphere.
What happens to the solar energy during the day? And what is the result?
The earth’s surface absorbs it.
The surface of the land becomes warmer than the air.
What’s happening with air near the earth’s surface during the day?
It is being warmed by radiation and the conduction of heat from the surface to the air.
How much of the troposphere is heated by conduction (heat conducting from one air molecule to another)?
Only the first few meters.
True or False:
The air closest to the ground is usually warmer than the air a few meters up.
What causes most of the heating of the troposphere? And why?
Air near the ground is heated and the molecules have more energy which causes them to move faster.
As the molecules in the heated air move, what happens?
The molecules bump into each other.
When the molecules in the heated air bump into each other do they get closer together or farther apart?
Farther apart
When the molecules in the heated air move, bump into each other, and move farther apart, what happens to the air?
Becomes less dense.
What happens to cooler denser air - does it rise or sink? Then what happens to the warmer air?
It sinks.
The warmer less dense air rises.
So… when there is an upward movement of warm air and a downward movement of cool air what results?
Convection currents
___________ currents move heat throughout the troposphere.
These are waves of energy traveling through space.