Chapter 1 Flashcards
How is health, safety, and nutrition related
Health, safety and nutrition are dependant on one another and the status of each has a direct effect on the quality of others
define health (historically)
an individuals well being and the medical treatment of disorders
world health organization (WHO) health definition
a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
what is included in the definition of health
includes a state or quality of complete physical, emotional, social, economic, cultural, and spiritual well-being
how is health dependent on the social interaction of the individual
health recognizes that children and adults are important members of various groups, interaction and participation within these groups affects the state of an individual’s health
what are some other factors besides social interaction that contribute to good overall health
- exercise
- lifestyle
- stress reduction
- preventative care
what is health promotion
health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. it moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions
what are interventions designed for
interventions are designed to benefit and protect individual people’s health and quality of life by addressing and preventing the root causes of ill health, not just focusing on treatment and cure
what are the 3 key elements of health promotion
- good governance for health
- health literacy
- healthy cities
good governance for health
- requires policy makers to make health a central line of government policy
- factors health implications into all the decisions they make
- prioritize policies that prevent people from becoming ill and protect them from injuries
- these policies must be supported by regulations that match private sector incentives with public health goals
health literacy
people need the opportunities to acquire the knowledge, skills and information to make healthy choices, and make the proper choices about their health. they also need to be assured of an environment in which people can demand further policy actions to further improve their health
healthy cities
cities have a key role in promoting good health, strong leadership and commitment which is essential to healthy urban planning and building up preventative measures in communities and primary health care facilities
what are some health promotion activities in canada
- child health
- environmental public health and climate change
- family violence prevention
- healthy pregnancy and infancy
- healthy living
- injury prevention
- mental health
- obesity
- physical activity
- population health
- rural health
- seniors health
what is health protection
health protection is a term used to encompass a set of activities within the public health function that eliminate the risk of adverse consequences
what does health protection involve
- ensuring the safety and quality of food, water, air and the general environment
- preventing the transmission of communicable diseases
- managing outbreaks and the other incidents which threaten the public health
what is safety
safety is the freedom from the occurrence or risk of injury, danger, or loss, the condition of being protected from harm or other non-desirable outcomes, the quality of averting or not causing injury, danger, or loss, and the control of recognized hazards in order to achieve an acceptable level of risk
what are the types of safety
- actual safety
- subjective safety
- social safety
what is actual safety
applicable standards and designs met in any environment to ensure safety
what is subjective safety
also known as perceived safety, it is the level of comfort and perception of risk, without consideration of standards or safety history
what is social safety
also known as public safety or security, it addresses the risk of harm due to intentional criminal acts such as assault, burglary or vandalism
what is nutrition
all the processes used by an adult or child to take in food and to digest, absorb, transport, utilize and excrete food substances
what does nutrition refer to
nutrition refers to the manner in which the body utilizes the nutrients contained in the food we eat
what is good nutrition
good nutrition means that the body is well nourished by having received and put to work, foods containing essential nutrients in the amounts needed
what is malnutrition
malnutrition is an undesirable health status due to either a lack of or an excess of nutrient supply
what is undernutrition
undernutrition is an undesirable health status resulting from a lack of healthy nutrients
what are some effects of undernutrition in children
- inhibits growth
- delays maturation
- limits physical activity
- interferes with learning
- more susceptible to disease
where is undernutrition usually seen
undernutrition is usually seen in developing nations not in canada
what is obesity
obesity is an accumulation of excessive fat in the body that results in body weight beyond the limitations of skeletal and physical requirements
where is overnutrition and obesity more common
overnutrition and obesity are far more common and serious problems in Canada and the US than undernutrition
what is the estimate of Canadian children and youth ages 5-17 that are considered overweight or obese
30% of Canadian children and youth ages 5-17 are estimated to be overweight or obese
how have obesity rates in Canadian children and youth moved over the last 30 years
over the last 30 years, obesity rates have nearly tripled
what children are more likely to develop a range of health problems that can lead to long-term negative outcomes
obese children are more likely to develop a range of health problems that can lead to long-term negative outcomes
what are some physical health problems related to obesity in childhood
- high blood pressure or heart disease
- type 2 diabetes
- sleep apnea and other breathing problems
- abnormal or missed menstrual cycles
- bone and joint problems
- reduced balance
what are some emotional health problems related to obesity in childhood
- low self-esteem and negative body image
- depression
- feeling judged
- being teased or bullied
what % of youth eat fruit and vegetables more than five times daily
what % of households with children are food insecure as a result of financial challenges faced in accessing adequate food
what % of students walk or cycle to school
what % of children are sedentary after school
what % if parents play active games with their children
what are determinants of health
the factors that combine together to affect the health of individuals and communities
how many determinants of health are there
there are 12 determinants of health that have been identified and accepted by various health organizations
what are the 12 determinants of health
- income and social status
- social support networks
- education and literacy
- employment/working conditions
- social environments
- physical environments
- personal health practices and coping skills
- healthy child development
- biology and genetic endowment
- health services
- gender
- culture
how is income and social status a determinant of health
higher income and social status are linked to better health, the higher of an income we have determines living conditions like safer housing and ability to buy sufficient good foods
how are social support networks a determinant of health
the support we receive from our families, friends and communities is associated with better health as we have people to help us solve problems and deal with adversity resulting in less stress. with a strong social support system we feel the care and respect which aids our well-being
how is education and literacy a determinant of health
our health status improves with our level of education. the higher our education, the more knowledge and job opportunities for job and income security and improves peoples ability to access and understand information to help keep them healthy
how is employment and working conditions a determinant of health
if we are unemployed or dealing with underemployment we are more stressed, and people working in unsafe environments are both associated with poor health, the more control we have over work circumstances and fewer stress related demands of the job are healthier and often live longer than those in more stressful or riskier environments
how are social environments a determinant of health
the values and norms of a society influence the health and well being of individuals and populations, individuals involved in social groups and organizations and who are socially active are generally healthier than those who are uninvolved
what provides a supportive society
social stability, recognition of diversity, safety, good working relationships, and cohesive communities
how are physical environments a determinant of health
the physical environment around us is an important determinant of health, certain levels of exposure, contaminants in our air, water, food and soil can cause a variety of adverse health effects. in a built environment, factors related to housing, indoor air quality, and the design of our communities and transportation systems can significantly influence our physical and psychological well being
how are personal health practices and coping skills a determinant of health
the actions we take to prevent diseases and promote self-care, cope with challenges, and develop self-reliance, solve problems and make choices that enhance health, our decisions about health are influenced by individual choices as well as social, economic and environmental factors, by keeping a balanced diet, staying active, and not smoking and dealing with lifes stresses and challenges we will improve our health outcomes
how is healthy child development a determinant of health
a positive stimulation early in life improves learning, behavior and health into adulthood, a loving secure attachment between parents and caregivers and babies in the first 18 months leads to positive development in our over all health outcomes and well-being, children neglected or abused are at higher risk for injuries and poor health outcomes and well being
how is biology and genetic endowment a determinant of health
genetic endowment provides an inherited predisposition to a wide range of individual responses that affect health status and inheritance plays a part in determining lifespan, healthiness and the likelihood of developing certain illnesses
how are health services a determinant of health
access to health services that prevent and treat diseases influences health, health services, particularly those designed to maintain and promote health, to prevent disease, and to restore health contributes to population health
how is gender a determinant of health
men and women suffer from different types of diseases at different ages, men are more likely to die prematurely than women, largely as a result of heart disease, fatal unintentional injuries, cancer and suicide while women live longer than men, they are more likely to suffer depression, stress overload, chronic conditions such as arthritis and allergies, and injuries and death resulting from family violence
how is culture a determinant of health
customs and traditions, and the beliefs of the family and community all affect health, some persons or groups may face additional health risks due to marginalization, stigmatization, loss or devaluation of language and culture and lack of access to culturally appropriate health care and services