chapter 1 Flashcards
Also called computer revolution
Digital Revolution:
What are the uses of computer
- Science and fields
- Scientist uses it to develop theories, collect, analyze and test data, and exchange information - Educational Fields
- Uses computers for educational purposes - Communication
- Electronic mail helps interaction around the world, enabling interaction through messages in the net. - Engineering and manufacturing fields
- Banking fields
- Uses ATM to automate the process of withdrawal and depositing 24/7 - Health Care
- Computers help doctors and nurses with various task ranging from work schedule and patient schedules
- Also equipment like x-rays - Business and Industries
- Business owners uses computers to launch their business online
- Also uses networking for growth and development
- Scientist uses it to develop theories, collect, analyze and test data, and exchange information
- Science and fields
- Uses computers for educational purposes
- Educational Fields
- Electronic mail helps interaction around the world, enabling interaction through messages in the net.
- Communication
- Uses ATM to automate the process of withdrawal and depositing 24/7
- Banking fields
- Computers help doctors and nurses with various task ranging from work schedule and patient schedules
- Also equipment like x-rays
- Health Care
- Business owners uses computers to launch their business online
- Also uses networking for growth and development
- Business and Industries
is a calculation tool used by sliding counters along rods and grooves, used to perform mathematical functions.
Abacus –
– was an early british computer. Inspired by Jhon von neuman
- Was the second electronic digital stored-program computer to go into regular service.
Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator (EDSAC)
Types of computer
1 Personal computer
- Also known as a microcomputer
- It is a general-purpose computer design for individual use
2 Smart phones and tablets
- Pocket friendly, better hardware capability
3 Desktop Computer
- A personal computer designed to stay on a fix position that fits on the desk
4 Workstation Computers
- Is used for technical and scientific applications.
5 Supercomputers
- It is speed, its fast
- Biggest and fastest computer
- First developed by Roger Crey in 1976
- Also known as a microcomputer
- It is a general-purpose computer design for individual use
Personal computer
- Pocket friendly, better hardware capability
Smart phones and tablets
- A personal computer designed to stay on a fix position that fits on the desk
Desktop Computer
- Is used for technical and scientific applications.
Workstation Computers
- It is speed, its fast
- Biggest and fastest computer
- First developed by Roger Crey in 1976
Computer components
Input devices or unit
Cpu – Memory unit, control unit, arithmetic & logical unit
- Performs all types of data processing operation
Output devices or unit
The inventor for computer in 1930s
Charles Babbage –
year that started the inventions of calculating machines
The 1930s
– invented the z1, the first programmable computer in 1936
-credited as the first to create a digital computer
Konrad Zuse
– created the Electronic Numeric Integrator and Computer in 1940s during World War 2
John Mauchly
was completed in 1954 used by rand researchers
JHONNIAC - John von Neumann Numerical Integrator and Automatic Computer
– The first desktop computer sold to average consumers in 1965
Programma 101
– A personal computer that prints documents and sends emails in 1970s
- Included a mouse, keyboard and a screen
Xerox Alto
- A game changer for the computer industry, Steve Jobs first introduced it in 1984 which have a mouse, keyboard and a screen
First Macintosh
– It was launched in 1998 and was meant to be portable and customizable
iMac G3
– In 2008 Steve Jobs first introduced the computer in a manila envelope
Macbook Air
is any hardware of software used to host an application or services.
a platform
Types of Technology platforms
Operating System – manages all the applications and programs on a computer or mobile phone.
- Uses GUI or Graphical User Interface to communicate with the user effectively
Database Management System (DMS) – This system software consists of group of programs that allow you to organize, sort, edit, retrieve, manage, define, and store data in a data base.
Engagement Platforms – are software applications that enable companies interaction with potential customers and team members.
Digital Marketplace – is a platform that facilitates e-commerce by creating a virtual environment where buyers and sellers can transact.
On-demand service platform – is a software program that offers trade services similar to the digital marketplace
Web platform – is a service platform that facilitates information discovery and sharing on the internet.
Video game software – is a digital environment that allows users to play video games on their computer or digital device.
Data harvesting platform - are software programs that extract data and information from different sources online.
Content Distribution Platforms – is a software program that connects content like text, videos, images, or media advertisements with owners of touch-points like websites or digital devices.
- For content creators
Endpoint Security Platforms – is system software that incorporates specific functions from vendors and sometimes third-party products to improve the operation of your digital device.
Robotic Software Platforms – is a software package with a simplified programming framework for robotics devices.
- manages all the applications and programs on a computer or mobile phone.
- Uses GUI or Graphical User Interface to communicate with the user effectively
Operating System
– This system software consists of group of programs that allow you to organize, sort, edit, retrieve, manage, define, and store data in a data base.
Database Management System (DMS)
are software applications that enable companies interaction with potential customers and team members.
Engagement Platforms –
– is a platform that facilitates e-commerce by creating a virtual environment where buyers and sellers can transact.
Digital Marketplace –
– is a software program that offers trade services similar to the digital marketplace
On-demand service platform
is a service platform that facilitates information discovery and sharing on the internet.
Web platform –
is a digital environment that allows users to play video games on their computer or digital device.
Video game software –
are software programs that extract data and information from different sources online.
Data harvesting platform -
– is a software program that connects content like text, videos, images, or media advertisements with owners of touch-points like websites or digital devices.
- For content creators
Content Distribution Platforms
is system software that incorporates specific functions from vendors and sometimes third-party products to improve the operation of your digital device.
Endpoint Security Platforms –
– is a software package with a simplified programming framework for robotics devices.
Robotic Software Platforms