Chapter 1 Flashcards
Life Span Perspective
the general course of our development, the patter of movement or change that begins at conception and continues through the human life span.
what is the importance of studying life-span development?
you will discover it addresses some provocative questions about who we are, how we came to be this way & where our future will take us
dimensions of life-span perspective (6)
1- lifelong
2- multidimensional
3- multidirectional
4- plastic
5- multidisciplinary
6- contextual
normative age-graded influences
biological & environmental influences that are similar for individuals in a particular age group
normative history-graded influences
common to a generation
normative life events
unusual occurrences that have a major impact on the individuals life
social policy
a government course of action designed to promote the welfare of its citizens
why is health & wellbeing a concern?
lifestyle & psychological states have powerful influences on health & wellbeing
why is parenting & education?
many questions involve pressures on the contemporary family & conditions impairing the effectiveness of US schools
biological processes
changes in an individual’s physical nature
cognitive processes
changes in an individuals thought, intelligence & language
socio-emotional processes
changes in an individuals relationships, emotions & personality
developmental cognitive neuroscience
explores links b/w development, cognitive processes & the brain
developmental social neuroscience
examines connections b/w socio-emotional processes, develop & the brain
developmental period
refers to a time frame in a person’s life characterized by certain features
biological age
age in terms of biological health
psychological age
a person’s adaptive capacities compared w/ those of there individuals of the same chronological age
social age
a persons connectedness w/ others & the adoption of social roles
normal aging
describes most individuals w/ above average functioning peaking early middle age
pathological aging
describes individuals w/ above average decline as they age & a disease impairs daily functioning
successful aging
describes individuals maintaining positive physical physical, cognitive & socio-emotional development longer in life
nature (in terms of nature v nurture)
refers to an organisms biological inheritance
nurture (in terms of nature v nurture)
refers to its environmental experiences
stability-change issue
debate about early traits & characteristics persist through life or chnage