Chapter#1 Flashcards
Rx symbol
Abbreviation for the Latin word recipere or recipe, which means “Take, thou.”
Rx is not, as is frequently supposed, an abbreviation of a Latin word meaning recipe or compound, but is an invocation to Roman god Jupiter, a prayer for his aid to make the treatment effective.
The Age of Antiquity
The Age of Antiquity refers to the time span of 5000 BCE (BC) up through (AD) 499 CE. This is the time of ancient humans and the great ancient empires.
Ancient Humans
Ancient humans (Caveman) learned from observing their environment, as well as acting on instinct. They imitated animals use leafs, mud, dirt or water on themselves.
The art and science of preparing and dispensing medication
Latin term for pharmacist; also used as a general term to refer to the early practice of pharmacy.
producing, mixing, or preparing a drug by combining two or more ingredients.
Ancient Mesopotamia 📜
*Babylon, which is referred to as the cradle of civilization, pro-vides the earliest known record of apothecary practice. 📜
*Around 2600 BCE, healers were priest, pharmacist, and physician all in one.
*Archaeologists have found clay tablets that record the symptoms of illness, as well as prescriptions and instructions for compounding, or preparing, remedies.
Mithradates VI (King Mithradates the Great) 👑
“father of toxicology”
*For seven years after the assas-sination of his father, Mithradates lived in the wilderness and developed an immunity to poisons by regularly consuming them in small, nonlethal doses. In addition, he used his prison-ers as subjects for testing poisons and antidotes. Based upon his experiences, studies, and writings, Mithradates developed a “universal antidote” for poisoning, known as Mithradates’ anti-dote.
Chinese Emperor Shen
Nung 👑🇨🇳👲
In 2000 BCE, Shen Nung researched the medicinal value of several hundred herbs, testing many of them on himself. Addi-tionally, he wrote the first Pen T-Sao, or native herbal, recording 365 drugs.
“patron god of native Chinese drug guilds”
Pen T-Sao
365 drugs, made out of native herbal plants. Written by Emperor Shen Nung.
Pen T-Sao
365 drugs, made out of native herbal plants. Written by Emperor Shen Nung.
Gatherers and preparers of drugs, similar to the modern-day pharmacy technician.
Chiefs of fabrication
Head pharmacists.
Papyrus Ebers📜
Egyptian pharmaceutical document is the Papyrus Ebers, writ-ten in 1500 BCE. The Papyrus Ebers is a collection of 800 prescriptions that specifically mentions 700 unique drugs.
Ancient Egypt 🇪🇬
The practice of pharmacy in ancient Egypt was conducted by two classes of workers: echelons and chiefs of fabrication. Earliest records of medicine in Ancient Egypt date to 2900 BCE.
Charata Samhita
“Compendium of Wandering Physicians” 🇮🇳
More than 2,000 drugs are recorded in the Charaka Samhita, an ancient Indian manuscript originating from as early as 1000 BCE. The Charaka Samhita, which means “compendium of wandering physicians,” is the work of multiple authors and was written in Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language.
Terra Sigilata
“Sealed Earth” 💊
First therapeutic agent to bear a trademark. Originating in ancient Greece prior to 500 BCE off the island of Lemnos, Terra Sigilata was a small clay tablet, similar in size to an aspirin. Each year, clay from Lemnos was dug in the presence of political and religious leaders, then processed and marked with a an official seal. Precursor to today’s branded and marketed drugs.
“Father of Medicine” 👴🏻📜🩺
An ancient Greek physician who lived between 460 BCE and 377 BCE. He was a third-generation physician, philosopher, and professor at the Cos School of Medi-cine. Known as the father of medicine, Hippocrates is commonly regarded as one of the most notable figures of all time in medicine. Wrote the Corpus Hippo- craticum.
Corpus Hippo-craticum 📜 🚫👻👹
Corpus Hippo-craticum, rejected the widely held view that illness was connected to mystical or demonic forces; instead, it positioned medicine as a branch of science.
Balance or harmony, of four basic bodily fluids, known as humors, which also related to a mood or personality characteristic: blood, phlegm, yellow bile and dark or black bile.
Humor: Blood 🩸
joyful or happy
Humor: Phlegm
Humor: Yellow Bile 😡
Humor: Dark or Black Bile 😤
Hippocratic Oath
Modern physicians still take the Hippocratic Oath, as part of which they pledge to “do no harm.”