Chapter 1 Flashcards
What is sociology
Systematic study of human behavior
What does sociology focus on?
Focuses on the influence of social relationships on peoples attitudes and behaviours an how societies are established and change
What is the difference between common sense and sociology?
Common sense is not systematic (planned or fixed, not done in the use of order)
Why do people try to understand the rules of society
Economic factors, social factors, political factors
Sociological imagination
Awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society - see ourselves within the bigger picture
Sociology and common sense
Theories and opinions typically come from common sense
What is sociological theory?
- theories are an attempt to explain events, ideas, or behaviours in a comprenensive manner
- a template containing definition and relationships used to organize and understand the social world
-A theory may have explanatory power, predictive power or both
What is society?
A society is a large social group that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant nature
Structure vs agency
Structure: are existing arrangements that influence our behaviour (patterns)
- example: women wear skirts, men don’t, its weird it they do
Agency: choices we make structure sett the boundaries for agency
- example: government, police, etc…
Sociological perspective
Allows US to see the general in particular, the strange in familiar
Augusta Comte
Believed that a theoretical science of society and systematic investigation of behaviour was needed t0 improve society
- interested in order and progress
- used the term positivism to refer to the approach that defends the use of a scientific approach to understanding society
Emile Durkheim
Developed a theory to explain now individual behaviour can be understood within a social context, not just in individual terms
- the role of social bonds
-If religion was more strict = less suicide
Anomie: a sense of estrangement in society, loss of direction
- may result in taking their own lives
Karl Marx
Group identification
Alienation: a feeling of powerlessness from other people and oneself
Robert Merton
Macrosociology: concentrated on large-scale phenomena or enter civilizations
Microsociology: study of small groups and uses experimental study
Max Weber
Verstenen: understanding, insight
To fully comprehend behaviour are must learn now they themselves view and explain their behaviour,
- put yourself in their shoes
Ideal type: made up model
- identifies various types of bureaucracy as an ideal type