Chapter 1 Flashcards
Nervous system consists of which two kinds of cells?
- Neurons
- Glia’s
What do neurons?
Receive information and transmit it to other cells
The adult human brain contains how many neurons on average?
86 billion. 16 billion in the cerebral cortex, 69 billion neurons in the cerebellum, 1 billion in the spinal cord and less than 1 billion in the rest of the brain
membrane (or plasma membrane)
A structure that separates the inside of the cell from the outside environment.
What is the surface of a cell?
The membrane
Which cells doesn’t have a nucleus?
Mammalian red blood cells
Protein channels in the membrane permit a controlled flow of…
Water, oxygen, sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, and other important chemicals.
What is a nucleus?
The structure that contains the chromosomes
is the structure that performs metabolic activities, providing the energy that the cell uses for all activities
are the sites within a cell that synthesize new protein molecules
Endoplasmic reticulum
a network of thin tubes that transport newly synthesized proteins to other locations. Some ribosomes might be attached.
All neurons have..
- A soma
- most also have dendrites, an axon and presynaptic terminals.
How does the motor neuron receives its actions
With its soma in the spinal cord, it receives excitation through its dendrites and conducts impulses along its axon to a muscle.
How does the sensory neuron receive
it is specialized at one end to be highly sensitive to a particular type of stimulation, such as light, sound, or touch. The sensory neurons conducts touch info from the skin to the spinal cord. Tiny branches lead directly from the receptors into the axon, and the cell’s soma is located on a little stalk off the main trunk.
What are dendrites?
- Are branching fibers with a surface lined with synaptic receptors responsible for receiving info and bringing it into the neuron
- Greater the surface area, more info it can receive
Dendritic spines
- These further branch out and increase the surface area of the dendrit
- The shape of dendrites vary and depend upon varying inputs
Cell body/Soma
a.Contains the nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, and other structures found in other cells
b. Responsible for the metabolic work of the neuron
c. Covered with synapses on its surface
a. Thin fiber of a neuron responsible for transmitting nerve impulses toward other neurons, organs, or muscles
b. Some neurons are covered with an insulating material called the myelin sheath with interruptions in the sheath known as nodes of Ranvier
c. Neuron can only have one axon
Presynaptic terminals
the end of an axon, releases chemicals that cross through the junction between that neuron and another cell
Afferent axon
Brings info into a structure
Efferent axon
carries information away from a structure
Interneurons/intrinsic neurons
Are those whose dendrites and axons are completely contained within a single
Are the other major components of the nervous system that exchange chemicals with adjacent neurons and perform many functions
- A kind of Glia
- Helps synchronize the activity of the axon by wrapping around the presynaptic terminal and taking up chemicals released by the axon
- Helps synchronize closely related neurons, enabling their axons to send messages in waves
- Important for generating rhythms, such as rhythm of breathing
- Dilate blood vessels to bring more nutrients into brain areas that have heightened activity
- Tripartite synapse– theory proposing that the tip of an axon releases chemicals that cause the neighboring astrocyte to release chemicals of its own, thus magnifying of modifying the message to the next neuron; possible contributor to learning and memory
- In some brain areas, they also respond to hormones and thereby influence neurons
- Act as part of the immune system
- Remove waste material and other microorganisms (viruses and fungi) that could prove harmful to the neuron
- Proliferate after brain damage, removing dead or damaged neurons