Chapter 1 Flashcards
immune response
mechanisms used by organisms to defend themselves against microorganisms or foreign particles
state of being resistant to infection by a specific pathogen
Girolamo Fracastoro
states diseases caused by seed-like entities transmitted by in/direct contact, contributed to germ theory
germ theory
diseases caused by pathogens
microorganisms with potential to cause disease
agostino bassi
silk worms by fungi
ignaz semmelweis
child bed fever and its transmissible
louis pasteur
identified causative organisms
robert koch
koch postulates
edward jenner
developed smallpox vaccine from cowpox disease
Paul ehrich
Ilya mechnikov
white blood cells capable of phagocytosis
emil von behring and shibasaburo kitasato
antibody discovery
opportunistic pathogen
cause diseases only when the immune system is not functioning properly or enters a site where it can grow uncontrollably
extracellular pathogens
outside the cells of organisms infected
intracellular pathogens
mainly reside within organisms cells
physcial barriers
skin and mucosa
innate immunity
non-specific present from birth
adaptive immunity
specific immunity learned after coming in contact with a pathogen
substances recognized as foreign from ones self
B cells
immune cells that use cell surface protein, immunoglobulin, to bind and recognize an antigen
humoral immunity
immunity from antibodies directly
cell-mediated immunity
indirectly recognizes unidentified pathogens
T cells
immune cells that use cell T-cell receptor protein to bind and recognize an antigen
components of normal tissue that stimulate an immune response
inactivation of immune response to self during B and T cell development
skin epithelium and mucous membranes
prevent entry of pathogens
flush and replenish destructive components
antimicrobial peptides secreted from epithelial cells
collection of microorganisms that normally inhabit a body
contain granules within cytoplasm
specialize in phagocytosis, ~70% white blood cells