Chapt. 3 Flashcards
determines the shape, position, and movement of the internal organs
body habitus
sthenic (average)
heart: moderately transverse
lungs: moderate length
diaphragm: moderately high
50% population
asthenic (very slender)
heart: nearly vertical and at midline
lungs: long, apices above clavicles
diaphragm: low
10% of population
hyposthenic (slender)
organs are intermediate between sthenic and athenic body habitus
35% of population
hypersthenic (massive)
heart: axis nearly transverse
lungs: short, apices at or near clavicles
diaphragm: high
5% of population
single sternum, 12 pairs of ribs, 12 thoracic vertebrae
bony thorax (thorax)
2 lungs, 1 heart
thoracic cavity (thorax)
cardiovascular organs, lymphatic organs, inferior esophagus, thymus gland
respiratory organs (thorax)
cardiovascular organs, lymphatic organs, inferior esophagus, thymus gland
respiratory organs (thorax)
bounded by the walls of the thorax and extends from the superior thoracic aperture to the inferior thoracic aperture
thoracic cavity (thorax)
sternum, ribs, t-spine
bony thorax (thorax)
what separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity
3 separate chambers within the thoracic cavity
pericardial cavity
left pleural cavity
right pleural cavity
thoracic cavities are lined by what
slippery and delicate serous membrane
the space between the left and right pleural cavities
contains all the thoracic structures except the lungs and pleurae
consists of pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and 2 lungs
respiratory system
air enters through the nose/mouth, ___, through the bronchial tree into the lungs
fibrous, muscular tube with 16-20 c-shaped cartilaginous rings embedded in its walls
posterior aspect is flat, lies midline and anterior to the esophagus
the last cartilage ring is elongated and has a hook like process
area where the trachea bifurcates into the primary bronchi
primary bronchi enters into the left and right lungs at a notch or depression called a
hilus or hilum
foreign bodies entering through the trachea are more likely to enter into the
right bronchus
terminals communicate with
alveolar ducts
alveolar ducts end in
alveolar sacs
walls of alveolar sacs are lined with
oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanged by __ in alveoli
organs of respiration
introduce oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide from the blood
lungs are covered by a layer of
serous membrane
lungs are composed of a substance called
functioning part of any organ; light, spongy, and highly elastic
superior portion of lungs
inferior portion of lungs
broad area that rests obliquely on the diaphragm
base of lungs
sides of lungs
costophrenic angles
most inferior and lateral aspect of the lung
costophrenic angles
medial border of lung
left inferior/ mediastinal surface of lung
cardiac notch
conforms to the heart
cardiac notch
double walled serous membrane sac surrounding each lung
inner layer of pleural sac
visceral pleura
outer layer of pleural sac
parietal pleura
space between the 2 pleural walls
pleural cavity
right lung has __ lobes
left lung has __ lobes
right lung is shorter than left bc of presence of
what lung is broader
posterior portion of neck is
osseous structures
anterior portion of neck is
upper respiratory and digestive system
small oval bodies located on the posterior portion of the thyroid
parathyroid glands
produces parathyroid hormones (PTH)
parathyroid glands
involved with the metabolism of calcium and phosphors
PTH parathyroid hormones
tubular structure located in front of the spine and behind the nose, mouth, and larynx
acts as a passageway for food and air
most superior portion; allows for the passage of air from the nasal cavity to the larynx
located in the roof and posterior wall of nasopharynx
pharyngeal tonsils
lymphoid tissue that has protective immune functions
connects middle ear with nasopharynx
auditory (eustachian tube)
you can only see air in
lungs and bowels
pouch like opening at the base of the tongue
located at the base of the tongue
lingual tonsils
typically known as “tonsils”
palatine tonsils
posterior extension of oral cavity
continues from oropharynx to the esophagus
aspirated foreign objects are most likely to enter
right primary bronchus
level of trachea bifurcation is the
divert food away from the entrance of the larynx
piriform sinus
bony skeleton protecting the vocal cords
organ of the voice
adam’s apple is the
laryngeal prominence
false vocal record
vestibular folds
true vocal record
vocal folds
edge of vocal folds
rima glottidis
“trap door” that prevents leakage in the larynx when swallowing
space bounded by the sternum anteriorly, spine posteriorly, and lungs laterally
mediastinum contains the:
heart, great vessels, trachea, esophagus, thymus, lymphatics, nerves, fibrous tissue, fat
part of the digestive system
descends through the posterior part of the mediastinum and runs anteriorly to exit through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm
when the __ is filled with __ it outlines the posterior border of the heart and aorta
esophagus, barium
primary control organ of the lymphatic system
thymus gland
produces thymosin
thymus gland
important in immune system development and maturation
2 pyramid shaped-shaped lobes, located in the lower neck and superior mediastinum
thymus gland
lindbloom position is