Chapitre 8 - En famille Flashcards
le beau-père
father-in-law; step-father
la belle-mère
mother-in-law; step-mother
le père (la mère) célibataire
single father (mother)
le demi-frère
step-brother; half-brother
la demi-soeur
step-sister; half-sister
older, oldest (brother, sister, child)
younger, youngest (brother/sister/child)
l’enfant unique (m./f.)
only child
la famille éclatée
broken family
la famille homoparentale
la famille monoparentale
single-parent family
la famille nombreuse
family with many children
la famille recomposée
blended family
la femme au foyer
housewife, woman who does not work outside of home
le foyer, le ménage
l’union libre
living together without being married
vivre ensemble
to live together
le copain (la copine)
friend, buddy, chum
mon copain, ma copine
my boyfriend, my girlfriend
s’entendre (bien/mal)
to get along (well/badly)
se comprendre
to understand each other
se disputer (avec)
to argue, to disagree, to fight (with)
se fâcher (contre)
to get angry (with)
en vouloir à
to be mad at
Ma soeur m’en veut.
My sister is mad at me.
to scold (parent/child)
(s’)engueuler (fam.)
to yell at (each other)