chap. 9 Flashcards
Why is it a problem when people define their goal, then immediately start to strive for it without developing a plan?
- Without a plan, you have no direction or focus in terms of what the journey will look like
- Without a plan, you have no way of holding yourself accountable, which makes it easier to give up
___ behaviours tend to be a better predictor than ___ of future behaviours.
Past; intentions
What is the intention-behaviour gap?
- the disconnection between a person’s intentions to achieve a goal and their actual actions
–> in this gap is where the planning happens
How can we reduce the intention-behaviour gap?
- High quality goals (difficult, specific, proximal, i.e., SMART)
- Mental stimulations (visualizing your goal)
Explain the 2 types of mental stimulations.
1) Outcome simulation: Fantasize about what it will be like when they achieve their goal
–> typically what is seen in self-help books
2) Process simulation: Focus on the steps required to achieve their goal
Which mental simulation is better? Why is it so?
- Process simulation is best
1) It lowers anxiety
2) Forces the individual to develop a goal plan with details
–> and forces you to come up with solutions to overcome roadblocks
3) Contribute to more motivation and excitement about the goal
–> because they’ve invested more resources to developing the plan
–> allows them to measure their progress
What are implementation intentions?
- They are if-then plans that specify the exact behaviour one will perform in a particular situation
- Specify exactly when, where, and how the individual will achieve their goal
–> IF (situation cue) said situation occurs, THEN (behavioural cue or action) I will do this
If the goal is to write a novel, how might we make an implementation intention table?
When: I will write at 8am on saturdays
Where: I will study at a cafe to avoid distractions
How: I will brainstorm for one hour, and write for the second
How long: I will write for 2 hours each session
Back up plan if-then: If I can’t write on a saturday, I will set aside time on sunday to write
If the goal is to ace your finals, how might you make an implementation intention table?
- When: I will study at 1pm every day (not weekends)
- Where: When on campus, I will study at the library or a quiet space
- How: I will create cue cards to quiz myself
- How long: For an hour every day
- Back-up plan if-then: If I am unable to study for a full hour every day, then I will put aside time on saturday evening to fill in the time missed
What is the difference between a goal intention and an implementation intention?
Goal intentions: specifies what the end point of the goal process will be (e.g., « I intend to write a novel »)
→ when you’re setting a goal -
Implementation intentions: specifies exactly what, where, and how the individual will achieve their goal
→ when you’re planning a goal
What are the benefits of implementation intentions? They help with…
- Help with goal initiation, makes starting seem a lot less daunting
- Help with goal persistence
- Help with overriding old habits
→ notably with the “if, then” concept - Help with controlling inner states
→ Cravings, negative emotions, anxiety
What are some of the costs of implementation intentions?
- Less attentive to alternative ways to pursue goals
→ if the plan is too specific, it provides little flexibility, causing us to only focus on specific cues
–> p.ex: focusing on eating broccoli - Less likely to abandon bad plans
→ even when sticking to this bad plan, it will affect the actual goal achievement
What are the 3 moderating factors of success by using implementation intentions?
1) Goal commitment: The HIGHER people are in goal commitment, the greater the benefits are of forming implementation intentions, because the goal is more valuable to you
2) Self-Efficacy: The HIGHER people are in self-efficacy, the greater the benefits are of forming implementation intentions, because the person feels competent
3) Self-Control: The WEAKER a person’s self-control is, the more likely the person is to benefit from forming implementation intentions, because it gives them direction and focus
What are the 2 key factors that have been shown to improve the quality of a goal plan?
Flexibility & accountability
Elaborate on how lack of flexibility can diminish the quality of a goal plan (2 factors).
- Reduces sense of autonomy
→ makes us feel like we have a lot less choice in our daily activities - What-the-hell effect
→ all or nothing type of approach, which explains that once a person moves away from their goal (p.ex: going 20$ over budget), they say what the hell and spend 100$ more because they’ve already gone over budget anyway