chap 9 Flashcards
General senses
pain, otuch, pressure, cold, and heat
special senses
taste, smell, vision, hearing, and equilibrium, chemical
sensory adaptation
decline in the rate of impulse formation due o repeated stimulation by the same stimuus
Fast adaptation
slow adaptation
thermoreceptors are sensitive from tempters
beginning at 25C and above 45 C causes extreme burning
cold receptors are senitive to temperatures bellow
20C, while being below 10C triggers cold painful sensation
Mechanoreceptors are sensitive to
mechanical stimuli that displaces the tissue surronding the receptors
Pacinian corpuscles are
pressure receptors deep in the dermis, ligaments,a and tendons.
two types of touch receptorss are
meissner corpuscles and free nerve ending
meissner corpuscles are sensitive to
very light stimuli and are found in demal papillae and hairless portion of the skin
free nerve endings fuction
in touch, itch, temperature, and pain.
free nervve endings are found w
wrapped around hair follicles and are abundant in epithelial and connective tissues and internal organs
a type of mechanorecetors located in skeletal muscles and tendons.
proprioceptors help
maintain posture, equilibrium, and muscle tone
pain is
receptors of free nerve endings, which is everywhere except for neural tissue in the brain
Pain receptors are
tonic r not at all
referred pain
pain impulses originate from visceral organs but is felt in part of the body wall
reffered pain works because
pain is projected along common nerves used by neurons carrying impulsees from both the body wall and visceral organs
special senses
receptors are localized rather then widely distributed.
sensitive to chemicals
sensitive to sound wave vibrations
senstitive to light rays
chemoreceptors are located in
taste buds on the tongue (taste cells)
taste hairs
exposed to chemicals on the tongue
four types of taste receptors
Sweet, sour, salty, bitter
olfactory organs are located
in upper portion of nasal cavity
olfactory chemoreceptor cells are supported by
columnar epithelium cells
cilia on distal ends of receptors are
exposed to airborne particles
gaseus chemical must dissolve in fluid covering receptor to
stimulate the receptor
to smell faint ordors the air must be
hearing is in a stucture called a
comlex structure
hearing is made u of 3 major parts:
external ear, middle ear, and iner ear.
external ear consist of two parts
aurucle and external auditory canal
funnel-like structure made of cartilage and skin, attached to side of head
external auditory canal
short tube extending from auricle to eardrum
… and … in the auditory canal kee foriegn particles from reaching the eardrum
Cerumen and hair
the middle ear is composed of 4 components
tympnic membrane, tympanic cavity, auditory tube, ear ossicles
tympanic membrane closes
the inerior to the external auditoy canal
tympanic membrane is externally… and internally…
covered ins kin, covered in mucous membrane
tympanic cavity
air filled pace in temoral bone seperated from external auditory canal by the tympanic membrane
auditory tube
connects tympanic cavity with the pharynx
the auditory tube allows
for air pressure in the tymanic cavity to equal external air pressure
ear ossicles
three tiny bones forming a lever system between tympanic membrane and inner ear
the three bones in the ear ossicles is
malleus, incus, stapes
vibrations form tympanic membrane pass from
malleus to incus to stapes
the inner ear
two series of conduction tubes and chambers embedded, one inside the other
the inner ear consist of the
outer bony labyrinth, and inner membranous labyrinth
space between the to labyrinths in filled with
the membranous labyrinth is filled with
the inner ear consists of three major parts:
coclea, vestibule, semicircular canals
coclea is
coiled portion
3 chambers seperated b membranes inside the internal ear are,
scala vestibuli, scala tympani, vestibule
the inner ear also includes
oval window, round window
Cochlear duct extends
almost to apex of cochlea
the chochlear duct is separated from the scala vestibuli by the
vestibular membrane
conchlear duct is separated from scala tympani by
basilar membrane
basilar membrane contains
20,000 cross hairs
cross hairs increase in length from
the base of apex of the cochlea