Chap 7 part 2 Flashcards
Authentication Header
what does the AH do?
provides data authentication and integrity but is not encrypted (plaintext)
Encapsulating Security Payload
what is ESP used for?
Encapsulating Security Payload: provides encryption, authentication and integrety
what is SSL?
SSL: Secure sockets Layer-Cisco IOS SSL VPN is a technology that provides remote access by using a web browser and the web browser’s native SSL encryption
SSL: Secure sockets Layer
what is cisco anyconnect secure mobility client with ssl:?
Anyconnect secure mobility client: a client based SSL, the corporation manages the remote access device, allows access to everything on the network, MUST have a client application installed to use!
what is Cisco Secure Mobility Clientless SSL?
a remote user uses a web browser with SSL features to access a corp. network ACA device for a VPN connection. port forwarding is used to access resources on the network through the web page. the clientless device: is a device that the corp. does NOT manage.
cisco easy VPN solution?
ease of use for VPN site-to-site and remote access ipsec VPN’s.
cisco easy VPN solution 3 components?
cisco easy VPN server (ASA firewall), easy VPN remote: ASA remote a/ router acting as VPN client and VPN client: application supported on pc to access vpn server.
name the 4/5 SSL features
SSL: Secure Sockets Layer: web enabled application fire and email sharing, moderate-strong encryption technique 40-256 bits, moderate authentication with low complexity to configure and any device cn connect using a web browser that has SSL
name the 4/5 IPSEC features?
IPSEC: ip security- all ip based applications used, strong key lengths from 56-256 bits, authentication thats strong by using pre shared keys or digital certificates, connection complexity can be hard for novice users and only corporate managed devices can connect.