Step 1:
Determine the Reason for Evaluating Employee Performance
Determine the Reason for Evaluating Employee Performance
Step 1
- is an excellent time to meet with employees to discuss their strengths and weaknesses.
- A meeting between a supervisor and a subordinate for the purpose of discussing performance appraisal results
Performance appraisal review
purpose of
Step 1: Determine the Reason for Evaluating Employee Performance
- Provide employee training and feedback
- Determining salary increases
- Making promotion decisions
- making termination decisions
- conducting personnel research
Step 2:
Identify Environmental and Cultural Limitations
Identify Environmental and Cultural Limitations
Step 2
Step 3:
Determine Who Will Evaluate Performance
Determine Who Will Evaluate Performance
Step 3
- A performance appraisal system in which feedback is obtained from multiple sources such as supervisors, subordinates, and peers.
360-degree feedback
A performance appraisal strategy in which an employee receives feedback from sources (e.g., clients, subordinates, peers) other than just his or her supervisor
Multiple-source feedback
Half of 360 degree
comprehensive than multiple source
180 degree evaluation
Three types of feedback/evaluation
- 360-degree feedback
- Multiple-source feedback
- 180 degree evaluation
Five feedback sources
- Supervisor
- Peers
- Customers
- Subordinates
- Self-Appraisal
Step 4:
Select the Best Appraisal Methods to Accomplish Your Goals
Select the Best Appraisal Methods to Accomplish Your Goals
Step 4:
5 dimensions under
Decision 1: Focus of the Appraisal Dimensions
- Trait-Focused Performance Dimensions
- Competency-Focused Performance Dimensions
- Task-Focused Performance Dimensions
- Goal-Focused Performance Dimensions
3 decisions under
Step 4: Select the Best Appraisal Methods to Accomplish Your Goals
Decision 1: Focus of the Appraisal Dimensions
Decision 2: Should Dimensions Be Weighted?
Decision 3: Use of Employee Comparisons, Objective Measures, or Ratings
- the effort an employee makes to
get along with peers, improve the organization, and perform tasks that are needed but are not necessarily an official part of the employee’s job description
- Contextual Performance
- A method of performance appraisal in which employees are ranked from best to worst.
Rank order
2 ways of evaluating performance under Decision 3: Use of Employee Comparisons, Objective
Measures, or Ratings
- Employee comparison
- Objective measures
-A type of objective criterion used to measure job performance by counting the number of relevant job behaviors that occur.
- A type of objective criterion used to measure job performance by comparing a job behavior with a standard.
Step 5:
Train Raters
Train Raters
Step 5:
- provides raters with job-related information, practice in rating, and examples of ratings made by experts as well as the rationale behind those expert ratings
Frame-of-reference training
Step 6:
Observe and Document Performance
Observe and Document Performance
Step 6:
Step 7:
Evaluate Performance
Evaluate Performance
Step 7:
When it is time to appraise an employee’s performance, a supervisor should first obtain and review the objective data relevant to the employee’s behavior.
Obtaining and Reviewing Objective Data
- the supervisor should go back and read all of the critical incidents written for an employee.
- Reading these incidents should reduce errors of primacy, recency, and attention to unusual information.
Reading Critical-Incident Logs
Step 8:
Communicate Appraisal Results to Employees
Communicate Appraisal Results to Employees
Step 8:
the most important use of performance-evaluation data is to provide feedback to the employee and assess her strengths and weaknesses so that further training can be implemented
Step 8: Communicate Appraisal Results to Employees
3 things to prepare prior to the interview
- allocating time
- Scheduling the interview
- Preparing for the interview
Step 9:
Terminate Employees
4 under the Legal Reasons for Terminating Employees
- probationary period
- violation of company rules
- inability to perform
- reduction in force (layoff)
Step 10:
Monitor the Legality and Fairness
of the Appraisal System