Step 1:
Determine the Reason for Evaluating Employee Performance
Determine the Reason for Evaluating Employee Performance
Step 1
- is an excellent time to meet with employees to discuss their strengths and weaknesses.
- A meeting between a supervisor and a subordinate for the purpose of discussing performance appraisal results
Performance appraisal review
purpose of
Step 1: Determine the Reason for Evaluating Employee Performance
- Provide employee training and feedback
- Determining salary increases
- Making promotion decisions
- making termination decisions
- conducting personnel research
Step 2:
Identify Environmental and Cultural Limitations
Identify Environmental and Cultural Limitations
Step 2
Step 3:
Determine Who Will Evaluate Performance
Determine Who Will Evaluate Performance
Step 3
- A performance appraisal system in which feedback is obtained from multiple sources such as supervisors, subordinates, and peers.
360-degree feedback
A performance appraisal strategy in which an employee receives feedback from sources (e.g., clients, subordinates, peers) other than just his or her supervisor
Multiple-source feedback
Half of 360 degree
comprehensive than multiple source
180 degree evaluation
Three types of feedback/evaluation
- 360-degree feedback
- Multiple-source feedback
- 180 degree evaluation
Five feedback sources
- Supervisor
- Peers
- Customers
- Subordinates
- Self-Appraisal
Step 4:
Select the Best Appraisal Methods to Accomplish Your Goals
Select the Best Appraisal Methods to Accomplish Your Goals
Step 4: