Work-related issues surrounding women around the globe
a. There are fewer women than men at work and most women only work in one sector
b. Pay Gap
c. Maternity and paternity leaves
Women often work in vulnerable employment such as jobs with no job security or with dangerous working conditions. Examples are housemaids who are at risk for unemployment and abuse.
There are fewer women than men at work and most women only work in one sector.
Specifically, women only earn 70 – 90% of what men earn in most countries. Women also work an average of two more hours a day due to additional housework.
Pay Gap
the number of paid workdays that can be taken by a woman to care for her newborn child has increased in most countries.
Maternity and paternity leaves
confirms that women still to face the same issues at work today as they did ten years ago. Women still experience limited career choices, lack of support facilities, sexual harassment, lack of protection for domestic workers, tenuous social protection, limited monitoring on labor standards , and unremitting promotion of labor export policy.
The 2015 Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA) + NGO Report of the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s Studies
2013 Gender statistics of PSA reported that
Women make up 37.5% of salaried workers in the Philippines. b. 3 out of 5 women are underemployed. C. Four out of five women wage earners work full time in the service sector
(equality in terms of number and proportion) in primary education is present not just in the Philippines but all over the world.
Gender Parity
Women are underrepresented in what strand
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) developed by the UN from 2000 to 2015.
- will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling
- to eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education,
Women and Health
- often linked to sexual and reproductive health needs
- teenage pregnancy; HIV/ AIDS
- becoming more obese than men
- aims to address the gaps in reproductive health.
- guarantees universal access to all methods of family planning, fertility management, sexuality education, and maternal care for all Filipinos
Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (RA 10354)
1 of 3 women has experienced some form of VAW
Violence against women
1 of 5 women experienced attempted or actual rape
Women are prone to harassment or are made to enter domestic servitude. Others who hope to find work outside of their camps become
victims of forced prostitution and human trafficking.
make indigenous Filipino women prone to harassment. Other issues include subhuman evacuation conditions,
Rido, or clan violence