Chap 5.1 - The internet & its uses (Internet and WWW, digital currency) Flashcards
define internet
global network of interconnected computers
define World wide web
a collection of web pages accessed via the internet
difference between internet and WWW
-the Internet can function without the WWW but the WWW cannot function without the Internet
-the Internet is the infrastructure & the World Wide Web is a service built on top of it
does www relie on internet
does the internet relie on www
how do you access a web page
What are in the website address
-domain host
-domain name
-domain type
-country code
what does URl stand for
Uniform Resource Locator
why is it called URL
Uniform- consistent format
Resource- web page, pdf, pic etc
Locator- finder
what is the format of a URl
protocol:// website address /path /file name
what is the domain host
what is the domain name
website name
what is the domain type
eg. .com , .org
what is path
web page directing to file
what is file name
item on web page
is www used for apps
what is index page
first page of a website
what is hyperlink
text or picture that links to a website
what is address bar
where you type URl
what is a web
interconnected websites
What are the protocols
What does http mean
HyperText Transfer Protocol
What does https mean
HyperText Transfer Protocol secure
what are the features of http (4)
-date transmission in plain text
-can intercept date or eavesdrop
-used for website without sensitive date
-faster than https
What are the features of https (3)
-date transmissions are encrypted using an encryption algorithm (secure)
-protected against eavesdropping and data interception
-used for website with sensitive data
-have padlock symbol on website
how do you know a website is secure
-will have padlock symbol
2 encryption algorithms
What does SSL stand for
Secure Socket Layer