chap 5, 8 Flashcards
5km cest combien en metre
5cm cest combien en km
Exercise: If the graphic scale shows by measurement
that 2 cm represents 5 km, what is the RF of your map?
The RF is 1:250,000
Exercise: You have a map with a RF of 1:75,000 and
you want to draw a graphic scale representing 1 km
on it. How long should be your graphic scale in cm?
1.33 cm on your map would represent 1 km on the
map projection
transforming the curve surface to a flat surface
mercator map projection
preserve shape, changes areas
equal-area map projection
preserve area, distorts shape (gall-peter projection)
Mollweide projection
minimiza shape distortions of regions of greatest interest
peters (gall-peters) projection
qual-area map, but shape not conserved, cylindrical equal-area projection, highlight the importance of the size of southern continent
the geographic coordinate system (GIS)
preserves nothing but distance
the van der grinten projection
does not preserve shape or area, but minimizes their distortions in all but polar regions
robinson projection
preserves neither area nor shape, but reduces the distortion of both
small scale
large area, more generalization, more classification
large scale
smaller area, more details
universal transverse mercator (UTM)
divided into 60 zones, each 6 degree wide
state plane coordinate system (SPCS)
used only in the united states, which is divided into over a hundred areas
more irregular than the ellipsoids but smoother than Earth’s physical surface
imaginary network of parallels and meridians