Chap 5+6 Definitions Flashcards
A set of people accepting to make enforceable collective decisions on issues of common interest
A vast compound of diverse territorial units with a set of multilevel jurisdictions
Multilevel governance
The covering of different, overlapping territories by a set of races, or languages
Multinational state
A state in which power is shared by people of multiple religions, races, or languages
A culturally unified community within a sovereign state
National state
A culturally unified community within a sovereign state
A single source of legitimacy holding the monopoly of organised violence
A sovereign power over the population within a fixed territory with clear borders
The lower chamber in the assembly represents the entire population while the upper chamber gives overrepresentation to the people in smaller territories
Local self-government and large-scale union, implying self-rule and shared rule
Number of different ethnic groups, as can be defined by religious, racial, or language affiliations, weighted by their size
Relative sizes of different ethnic groups
Political decentralisation
Share of local governments controlled by parties not in the central government
Vertical division of powers
Allocation of different powers to the central and local governments