Chap 47, 48 Property/evidence, Pursuits Flashcards
- What is the primary concern when engaging in a vehicle or foot pursuit?
Preservation of life
. What is the secondary concern during a vehicle or foot pursuit?
Apprehension of violator
- The decision to engage in a pursuit can only be justified by what?
a. The facts or information known at the time
- A shift commander may authorize a vehicle pursuit outside of the current pursuit if they can specifically articulate what?
Potential danger created by pursuit would be less than the immediate or potential danger to the public if the suspect remains at large
In defining a vehicle pursuit, what are two criteria? It’s a combination of what?
a. High-speed driving
b. Evasive tactics, such as making unexpected movements
The following factors shall also be considered when deciding whether or not to initiate a vehicle pursuit:
- Type and speed of veh being pursued
- Performance capabilities of pursuit vehicle
- Traffic conditions
- Amount of pedestrian traffic in the area
- Weather conditions
- Characteristics of the roadway and the officers familiarity with roadway
- Pursuit location, such as busy business district or heavily populated residential neighborhood
- Time of day or night
- Nature of offense
- Known circumstances that could lead to a situation in which pursuing officer may lose control of police vehicle
- Whether id of offender is known
After supervisory approval, the officer may only follow the motorist if the motorist obeys all traffic laws, true or false?
a. True
How many vehicles are allowed in a pursuit into a neighboring jurisdiction?
a. 3
If more than one officer is involved in a vehicle pursuit, they shall use different siren tones, true or false?
Following evaluation of the circumstances and initiation of a vehicle pursuit, officers shall broadcast the following:
- Advise dispatcher of pursuit
- Location / direction of travel
- Vehicle license number/state, color, make, model
- Reason for pursuit
- Info regarding number of occupants and weapons involved, if known
Upon notification of a vehicle pursuit, the shift commander shall:
- Acknowledge via radio theyre monitoring
- Authorize or prohibit continuation of pursuit after obtaining all relevant info such as:
a. Seriousness of offense that led to pursuit
b. Reasonable expectation that suspects can later be id’d for apprehension
c. Whether suspects would be further danger to community
- Determine need for aerial support and advise psc
- Determine need for tire deflation device
- Ensure only authorized units are involved in pursuit
- Ensure pursuit is conducted within established guidelines
- Monitor and continually assess progress of pursuit
- Consider following factors in determining if will continue:
a. Type and speed of veh being pursued
b. Performance capabilities of pursuit vehicle
c. Traffic conditions
d. Pedestrian traffic
e. Weather conditions
f. Characteristics of roadway
g. Time of day or night
h. Nature of offense
i. Known circumstances that could lead to a situation in which pursuing officer may lose control of veh
j. Whether id of offender is known
k. Info regarding number of occupants and weapons involved, if known
Shift commander shall assert control of pursuit by:
a. Monitoring and directing specific units into or out of pursuit
b. Re-designating primary, secondary, or other backup unit responsibilities
c. Approving or ordering alternative tactics
d. Terminating pursuit in accordance with dept policy
Who may authorize units in direct vicinity of pursuit to respond priority to area of pursuit?
a. Only a shift commander
When may a two-wheeled vehicle participate in a pursuit?
a. Only when lack of involvement poses significant threat to safety of public or other officers
No more than how many primary and secondary units may participate in a veh pursuit?
a. 1 primary 2 secondary
Additional units for a pursuit shall be limited to what?
a. The assistance needed for officer safety
Officers and shift commanders involved in a vehicle pursuit must continually assess the pursuit and consider alternatives. Alternative strategies may include, but are not limited to:
a. Tire deflation devices
b. Aircraft observation
c. Termination of pursuit
Starchase shall not be used on what vehicles?
a. Any veh designed to be operated with fewer than 4 wheels, or any veh that doesn’t have a fully enclosed passenger compartment
An officer deploying starchase shall notify PSC and request assistance from who?
a. Aviation and k9
Once starchase is successfully deployed, all pursuing vehicles should cease pursuit of tagged vehicle, true or false?
Who may authorize a pursuit to continue after a successful starchase deployment?
a. Shift commander
If psc is unable to monitor the location of the tagged vehicle, who designates an officer to monitor via radio and transmit info?
a. Sector supervisor
If a pursuit is initiated by an officer operating a veh not equipped with starchase, they MUST request a starchase operator respond, true or false?
a. True
Starchase operators may only overtake 1 cruiser at a time, passing on which side in order to deploy starchase?
a. Left
Starchase veh’s announcing their intent to overtake cruisers, may only do so when:
a. Operator of overtaken cruiser announces and approves starchase operator to pass them
Deployment of stachase may occur on offenses that do not meet the criteria for a veh pursuit, deployment under these circumstances may only take place if the following conditions are met:
- Have reasonable articulable belief that tagged veh will flee if they attempt to stop it
- Starchase equipped veh is readily available and within sight of veh in focus
- Conditions are safe to deploy device
. What must starchase officers articulate before deploying the device?
a. Probable cause that veh or occupants have been involved in offense
Once aviation is involved in a pursuit, the ground units shall:
a. Restrict radio comms, decrease speed, follow at safe distance
- When shift commander determines ground pursuit is to be terminated after aviation gets involved, shift commander shall notify aviation unit to:
a. Continue observation of suspect vehicle or
b. Abandon further efforts
Use of tire deflation device on moving vehicle will only be accomplished with _______ lane coverage
In situations where a pursuit is not authorized, a tire deflation device shall only be deployed with whos permission?
a. Shift commander
A tire deflation device shall not be used in the following situations:
- Two or three-wheeled motorcycles or all-terrain veh’s are involved
- There is deliberate contact between veh’s
- On exit ramps, merge lanes, or turn lanes
- When non-involved vehicles may be damaged
Tire deflation devices cannot be deployed outside of PG, true or false?
All uses of tire deflation device shall be forwarded to who?
a. Tire deflation device coordinator, IAD
Officers should arrange for replacement of deployed tire deflation devices within how long?
a. 72 hours
Prohibited tactics
Prohibited tactics
When a pursuit termination is ordered, officers shall acknowledge verbally on the radio, true or false?
A vehicle pursuit shall be immediately terminated when:
a. Further pursuit will be futile
b. Equipment failure involving
i. Emergency equipment
ii. Brakes
iii. Radio
iv. Steering
v. Other essential mechanical equipment
vi. Damage to dept vehicle which creates driving hazard
c. Pursuit causes clear unreasonable danger to officer, fleeing motorists, or other person and danger is greater than value of apprehending suspect
d. Clear danger exists when speeds dangerously exceed normal flow of traffic, or when vehicular or pedestrian traffic necessitates dangerous manuevering that exceeds the performance capabilities of driver
What are the factors to consider when determining whether a pursuit will continue?
- Speed, road, weather conditions, hour of day
- Pedestrian and vehicle traffic
- Seriousness of offense
- Reasonable expectation that violators can be later identified / apprehended
- Whether suspect would be of further danger to community
- Officer is unfamiliar with area or unable to notify PSC of location and direction pursuit is proceeding
- Pursuing officer knows or has reason to believe fleeing veh is being operated by individual who is driving in such an unsafe manner that its obvious they don’t have physical or mental capabilities to deal with danger involved
hen officers from other jurisdiction pursue into county, pgpd officers will only join pursuit if:
a. They notify of offense for which suspect wanted
b. Offense meets criteria for our pursuits
Before any officer transports a prisoner or accepts custody after a neighboring jurisdiction pursuit ends in county, who must confirm probable cause?
a. Shift commander
A desk officer shall limit control over a prisoner at the station where probable cause was judged invalid from a shift commander to:
a. Extent necessary to ensure safety and security of all persons within processing facility
Blueteam pursuit incidents are tracked how often?
a. Monthly by deputy chief BOP
Post pursuit, a shift commander shall hold a pursuit critique meeting to evaluate pursuit and comment on the following areas:
a. Tactical considerations
b. Training/safety concerns
c. Possible alternatives
d. Adequacy of departmental policy
e. Proper use of in-car camera and body worn camera
Before initiating a foot pursuit, officers shall consider the following:
a. If officer acting alone
b. Familiarity with area
c. Dangers of pursuing in inclement weather, darkness, reduced visibility
d. Geographic / environmental hazards
e. Danger to public if subject should escape
f. Knowledge of weapons in possession of suspect
g. Seriousness of offense weighed against need to apprehend, and potential to escalate encounter
h. Whether id of suspect is known, allowing for possible apprehension later
Depending on severity of crime, it may be necessary to consider alternatives to foot pursuits such as:
- Containment of area
- Saturation of area with officers, including assistance from other agencies
- K9 search
- Thermal imaging or other sensing technology
- Surveillance
- Air support
- Apprehension at another time when identity of suspect is known, and need to apprehend does not reasonably appear to outweigh risk of continuing foot pursuit
As soon as practicable, officers initiating foot pursuit shall notify psc of the following:
- Location and direction of travel
- Call sign
- Reason for pursuit, crime classification
- Number of suspects and clothing description
- If suspect is known/believed to be armed with weapon
- If officer is in plainclothes
- If sight of suspect is lost and last location
When determining whether its feasible to activate the bwc when engaged in foot pursuit, what shall be considered?
a. Officers safety and safety of others
When prince george’s county officers assist officer from another state or dc with fresh pursuit arrest, they shall request who responds?
a. Shift commander
Upon arrival to scene involving fresh pursuit from another state with an arrest, the shift commander shall ________
a. Interview officer from outside state, or dc, to determine if a crime was committed in county
If shift commander determines suspect from outside state agency pursuit / arrest into county, they shall:
a. Order an officer to charge suspect with crimes committed in county
If a suspect is to be held for crimes committed in the district after a fresh pursuit arrest from dc, a shift commander shall advise dc officer what?
a. A teletype message must be sent to our teletype authorizing federal removal (allows suspect to be held at doc)
b. A copy of teletype shall be given to DOC officer
If a suspect is to be held for crimes to be committed in another state after fresh pursuit arrest, shift commander shall advise out of state officer (NOT DC) what?
a. Teletype message must be sent to our teletype stated suspect will be extradited for warrant issued in that state, this allows doc to hold them once charged with crimes committed in county
b. Give copy of official teletype to doc employee
If no crimes are confirmed to have been committed in county after a fresh pursuit arrest from dc, before accepting custody of prisoner, shift commander shall ensure:
a. Dc officer on scene contacts us attorney office to request federal removal be authorized
b. That initial teletype message be sent to our teletype authorizing detention of suspect until official teletype authorizing federal removal is receive
c. Initial teletype must contain:
i. Name of authorizing us attorney
ii. Name, dob, sex, race of suspect
iii. Notation that official teletype authorizing federal removal will be forthcoming
If no crimes are confirmed to have been committed in county after fresh pursuit from other state, before accepting custody of prisoner, shift commander shall:
a. Interview officer to determine reasonable grounds exist to believe felony was committed in neighboring jurisdiction
If a teletype is not received within a reasonable amount of time reference an out of state fresh pursuit arrest where no crimes have been committed in county, shift commander shall contact out of state officer to determine if subject should continue to be held. Decision to release suspect may be based on:
a. Available manpower, seriousness of crime, and calls for service
In all fresh pursuits into the county, a pgpd officer shall complete a case record, true or false?
n all fresh pursuits into county, a pgpd officer shall complete case record. It shall contain what?
a. Federal agent name, id, agency phone number
b. Name, address, phone number of all victims, witnesses, and suspects
c. Description of actions of federal agent and assistance of any pgpd officers and whether any transfer of custody occurred