calls for ser, canine, child abuse Flashcards
chap 11,12, 13
- Which incidents shall receive a priority call?
i. Major incidents in-progress that have just occurred
ii. Incidents when a suspect may be on the scene
- When operating priority, officers shall consider the following
i. Urgency of incident
ii. Public and employee safety
iii. Environmental factors
- Whenever an employee responds priority, they shall inform the dispatcher, true or false?
a. True
- Who has final approval for all escorts?
a. Commander, SOD
- Who may authorize a priority escort of an emergency vehicle or other vehicles transporting lifesaving materials?
a. Shift commanders
- Define seizure and non-seizure in k9 operations
a. Seizure - k9 makes physical contact with subject
b. Non-seizure - k9’s presence alone is instrumental in the arrest of a subject
- What rank is section commander?
a. Lieutenant
- A k9 handler will decide whether or not to deploy a k9 when:
a. It is necessary and proportional under the totality of circumstances and based on capabilities of k9
- Is approval from a supervisor needed for deployment for missing persons or detection searches?
a. No
- When k9 supervisor denies deployment of k9, only who may override?
a. Commander SOD
- What 3 instances are seizures permitted?
- Suspect poses risk of imminent danger to officers or others
- Suspect actively eluding officers after having committed serious crime as defined in k9 sop
- Other reasonable alternatives to apprehend suspect have been exhauster, or would be ineffective under circumstances
- Prior to a track, the handler will brief officer on responsibilities to include:
- Positioning with team
- Providing cover
- Arrest procedures
- Maintaining comms with perimeter and dispatcher
- All prisoner processing and arrest procedures resulting form k9 apprehensions shall be the responsibility of who?
a. The officer that request k9 assistance
- When can model homes be searched by k9? (3 things)
. Signs of forced entry
2. Property of value inside other than major appliances, and
3. Contact made with owner to verify no one should be inside
- How many officers are needed for building searches with k9?
a. Minimum of 3 in addition to k9 handler
- Per k9 sop, on-duty k9 handler shall respond to scene of all:
- Apprehensions
- Canine deployments resulting in contact between k9 and suspect
- Allegations of inappropriate force involving k9 handler
- What incidents involving a k9 must SRS respond to?
- All k9 seizures that cause serious injury or hospital admission
- Who shall officers coordinate investigations of child abuse and neglect and similar accusations involving vulnerable adults?
a. Dept of social services
- What is a designated facility?
a. Hospital
b. State police barracks
c. Local police department
- Define newborn:
a. 10 days or younger
- Officers responding to reports of child neglect shall:
- Notify and brief supervisor prior to leaving scene
- Notify CPS
- Complete case record
- Officers shall document the following in a child neglect report:
- Circumstances and conditions constituting neglect
- Source of info such as personal observations or statements made by child, parent, others
- Name of CPS worker contacted + date and time of notification
- In all cases of child abuse, the officer shall:
- Notify and brief supervisor prior to leaving
- Determine if situation warrants removal of child
- Notify cps
- Notify cvaa
- Complete case record
- A child may be taken into custody for:
- Pursuant to court order
- By a law enforcement officer pursuant to arrest
- By leo who has grounds to believe child in danger, removal needed for protection
- By leo who believes child ran away from his/her parent/guardian
- Who must authorize assistance to cps when requested?
a. Supervisor
- If cps requests force entry, only authorized for the following:
- Pc to believe child is in immediate danger and entry already denied by occupants
- Officers responding to abandoned child shall:
- Ensure child is xported to med facility for evaluation
- Notify sector supervisor
- Complete case record
- Notify cvaa, document notifications
- Notify cps, document notifications
- Fax copy to cvaa prior to eos
- Within 24 hours of receiving an abandoned newborn, designated facility shall contact DSS, true or false?
i. True
- Officer receiving newborn at pgpd facility shall notify:
i. Sector supervisor
ii. CVAA
iii. CPS
- Case record shall be completed when child relinquished under safe haven law. Case record shall include:
- Id of individual relinquishing and relationship
- ID of childs parents
- Newborn DOB or age
- Place of birth
- Known medical history
- Reason newborn abandoned
- When responding to vulnerable adult cases, case record shall contain:
- Name and address of person responsible for care of vulnerable adult
- Caregiver relationship to vulnerable adult
- Whereabouts of vulnerable adult
- Nature of vulnerable adults incapacity
- Description of abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or exploitation
- Description of abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or exploitation
- Name of aps working and date / time of notification
- Name of cvaa investigator, date/time of notification
- CVAA investigates the following: (4 things)
- All physical/sexual exploitation where vic is less than 18 and suspect is household or family member, or custodial relationship exists
- All cases involving physical / sexual abuse of vulnerable adults
- All cases of parental abduction and custody disputes that rise to criminal offense
- Child abandonment