chap 37, 38,41, 42. ICS,Juve proc, Media rel, Missin Flashcards
how do the g/o’s define a juvenile?
age 13-17, and 10 to 12 IF alleged to have committed the most serious violent
when an officer takes a child into custody for childs safety, the officer shall:
- Immediately notify childs legal guardian
- immediately notify DSS
- maintain custody of child until DSS takes custody or authorizes childs release
- return child to legal guardian if officer determines its safe to do so
- A child who is not CINA may be taken into custody:
a. Pursuant to a court order
b. Pursuant to lawful arrest
c. If reasonable grounds exist to believe child is in immediate danger and removal needed for childs protection
d. If believed to be runaway
- If an officer takes child into custody officer shall immediately notify guardian. The notice shall include what 3 things?
a. Childs location
b. Reason for child being taken into custody
c. Instructions how to make immediate in-person contact with child
- A child under the age of 10 cannot be charged with a crime, true or false?
a. True
- A child age of 10 to 13 may only be charged with a crime of violence, true or false?
a. True
- Officers will still complete rms offense report if child cannot be charged with the crime because of age, true or false?
a. True
- What should supervisors evaluate when determining whether or not same sex officer as juvenile will transport?
a. Balance the propriety of the above against staffing and workload considerations at time of transport
- Juveniles shall only be transported in vehicles equipped with MVS, true or false?
a. True
- Officers shall not transport juvenile females with males unless:
a. No other xport veh is available
b. Arrest stems from same incident
- Accused juvenile offenders shall not be held in secure custody longer than how many hours?
a. 6
- If the (how many hour) limit is exceeded holding a juvenile in secure custody what shall be done?
a. Notify supervisor who shall forward memo documenting juveniles identity and reasons why limit is exceeded to division commander. Attach copy of detainee processing log sheet to memo
- Officers SHALL request charges against juveniles in following instances:
a. Felonies
b. Delinquent act involving weapons, gang-related, or serious assaults
c. Destruction of property
d. Theft
e. Is on parole / probation
f. Has pending cases
g. Is repeat offender
- If juvenile is charged as adult, and later determined to be juvenile, reporting officer will document this on what?
a. Continuation report
- How long after arrest of juvenile must juvenile section of SAO be contacted?
a. Within 72 hours of arrest
- Juveniles shall be charged as an adult if any one of the following criteria is met:
a. 14 years or older charged with any offense for which max penalty is death or life imprisonment
b. 16+ charged with robbery with deadly weapon or attempt
c. 16+ charged with handgun crime / wear carry
- Juveniles whos cases have been waived to adult court must be charged and taken before commissioner within how many hours of court granting waiver?
a. 24 hours
- The requirement for consultation with an attorney for a juvenile taken into custody may NOT be waived, and applies regardless of whether child is proceeded against as a child or charged as an adult, true or false?
a. True
- A juveniles consultation with an attorney shall be confidential and in-person by telephone or video conference, true or false?
a. True
a. True
- Interviewing officers responsibilities (juveniles): Interviewing officer shall complete Parent/Juvenile Notification Log which includes
a. Attempts to notify juvenile’s guardian
b. Name of person sought to be notified
c. Method of attempted notification
d. Name of attorney contacted and county or counties in which attorney provides consultation
Juveniles charged with criminal offenses shall be printed on which fingerprint cards?
a. PGPD and State
- Juveniles charged as adults shall be fingerprinted on which fingerprint cards?
a. PGPD, State, and FBI cards
- Juveniles charged with status offenses shall only be printed on which cards?
a. PGPD fingerprint card and its only done to verify identity
. Whenever a juvenile is fingerprinted without being charged, legal guardian shall be notified of what?
a. Fingerprinting does not constitute a criminal record
- The juvenile processing center officers shall fingerprint juveniles charged with what?
a. Any cds offense
b. Any felony
c. Any sex offense
d. Auth theft or attempted auto theft
e. Breaking and entering
f. CDW or handgun violations
g. DUI
h. Hit and run
i. Tampering
j. UUV
- Who handles restitution for juvenile crimes?
a. DJS and courts
- Which copy of the juvenile recog form shall be given to the legal guardian?
a. Goldenrod
- Juveniles held for detention must meet one of the following criteria:
a. Currently on probation for offense charged
b. Non-md resident 12 years old or older charged with any offense
c. Non-md resident under 12 charged with any felony
d. Legal guardian refuses custody or cannot be located
e. Reasonable belief that juvenile will leave courts jurisdiction
- Who do you notify for a CINS case?
a. DJS
- Who do you notify for a CINA case?
a. DSS
- A court-ordered juvenile writ must be obtained when:
a. Investigation identifies juvenile to be perpetrator of crime
b. Wanted juvenile has fled area
c. Legal guardian refuses to surrender a juvenile
d. Removing a juvenile from a temp detention facility to place additional criminal charges
- What is the juvenile curfew?
a. 2200-0500 Sunday through Thursday
b. 2359-0500 on Friday and Saturday
- When an officer reasonably believes a juvenile is violating the curfew law, the officer shall:
a. Complete a juvenile referral record in RMS
b. Order juvenile to go directly home
- What are the exceptions to the juvenile curfew law?
- Legally employed
- Accompanied by legal guardian or other adult authorized to supervise juvenile
- On errand directed by legal guardian until 0030 hours
- Returning home by direct route within 1 hour at end of school or religious activity, or place of public entertainment
- Exercising 1st amendment rights and a letter signed by juvenile and legal guardian has been received by division commander
- Married or has been married
- Engaged in normal interstate travel with legal guardian consent
- On property where juvenile resides
- The first violation of a curfew law shall result in what?
a. Warning issued to juvenile on juvenile curfew violation form. Form shall also be sent to legal guardian
- What are the fine amounts for 1st, 2nd, 3rd offense of curfew?
a. 1st, 50
b. 2nd, 100
c. 3rd, 250
- Business owners cited for juvenile curfew violations - what are fine amounts, 1,2,3?
a. 100
b. 250
c. 500
- Officers shall take juveniles into custody and transport them to police facility when:
a. Officer has knowledge that juvenile has previously violated curfew law
b. Officer has knowledge that juvenile has received written warning via juvenile referral record
c. Officer has reasomable grounds to believe juvenile engaged in delinquent conduct
- What shall officers put on the reviews of pink and goldenrod copies of dc form #28 when releasing juveniles to parent / guardian after curfew violation?
a. Parental Notification Stamp
- If a guardian cannot pick up a juvenile within how long after curfew violation, are they considered CINS?
a. 1 hour
- A juvenile may be given a written warning and released to self-custody when they commit a minor traffic offense and:
a. Prove their identity to satisfaction of officer
b. Not involved in another act requiring further investigation
c. Actions have not caused injury to persons or damage to property
- Who may authorize an employee to speak to members of the media as representatives of the department?
a. Chief or designee, or manager or MRD
- MRD consists of the following units:
a. Media information section
b. Audio visual section
c. Crime solvers unit
d. Special projects unit
- The manager of MRD oversees all marketing, public relations, and media relations of the department. In addition, the manager shall:
a. Determine marketing strategies
b. Ensure communications with news media
c. Provide crisis media management
d. Handle formal communications form chief and assistance chief when requested
e. Oversee managers of other units within MRD
f. Coordinate with officer of attorney general independent investigations division (IID) on public release of info
- What does the media information section do?
a. Assist in development of programs designed to enhance image of department
b. Work with other departmental components in the coordination and release of info to media
c. Maintain liaison with various news media
d. Arrange news conference and assist when necessary
e. Maintain and distribute appropriate info via internet regarding PGPD as deemed appropriate
f. Assist in preop of brochures, displays, social media, and special projects explaining and promoting dept
g. Respond to incident scenes to compile and distribute info to media
h. Assist during crises or during the execution of unusual occurrence plans
i. Assist in training and development of internal communications using media techniques
j. Work with investigators on critical missing person cases
- The audio visual section consists of what 2 units?
a. Television studio
b. Graphic artist unit
- The television studio is responsible for what?
a. Coordinating production activities
b. Producing/archiving departmental photos
c. Directing / producing videos
- In a multijurisdictional investigation, who is responsible for providing or coordinating the release of public information?
a. The lead public safety agency
- Who designates a staging area for the media on barricade scenes?
a. The on-scene commander, in consultation with MRD
- Who is the only person who can authorize media repts to enter the inner perimeter before completion of barricade?
a. On-scene commander
- In cases when a missing person is classified as critical, who notifys MRD?
a. The supervising investigator
- MRD collects media articles from news outlets which days?
a. Monday through Friday
- What is amber alert issued for?
a. Most serious child abduction cases
- What is the criteria for a silver alert?
a. At least 60 years of age AND
b. Suffers cognitive impairment AND
c. Their disappearance poses credible threat to health and safety of individual AND
d. Traveling in vehicle and enough descriptive inform about person and veh for LEO to issue alert AND
e. Investigating agency has already activated local/regional alert by contacting media outlets in jurisdiction AND
f. Has been entered into NCIC
- An employee receiving a missing person complaint shall:
a. Interview complainant to determine whether officer should be dispatched to take report
b. When any doubt exists regarding police response to missing person, the employee shall:
i. Contact a supervisor
- If multiple people are missing, do you need a separate missing persons complainant form for each missing person?
i. Yes
- If the missing person is classified as critical, the supervisor shall notify who?
a. Shift commander
- In all missing juvenile cases, supervisor shall determine what 6 things?
- If child participated in child fingerprint program - obtain print card from legal guardian guardian and submit it, along with copy of case record, to latent print unit
- Has subject been missing before or subject to child abuse report?
- Do they suffer from mental or physical disability or illness
- Disappeared under suspicious circumstances
- May have been abducted
- Is less than 18 years old
- If juvenile is missing from foster care agency, officer must put what in case record?
a. Foster care agency, including number, address, caseworker name and contact info
- If a missing person is missing from a facility (nursing home, care center, group facility) the officer shall list what?
a. Contact info for family guardian, including address, relationship to missing adult
- A supervisor shall determine if a case should be classified as critical by evaluating what 6 factors?
- Age
- Physical / mental health
- Repeated instances or absences by missing person
- Unusual circumstances surrounding absence
- Ensure missing person complaint form is signed / attached to case record (not sure why that’s in this section but it is, pay attention)
- Review and approve case record prior to eos (also not sure why, pay attention)
- The supervisor shall immediately report a missing juvenile person to who / what entity?
a. National center for missing and exploited children
b. Fax copy of case record to state clearinghouse for missing children
- Once a shift commander or other commissioned officer is notified of a critical missing person, they shall:
a. Assess the situation and determine the scope of the investigation and search
- On the scene of a critical missing person, the supervisor shall:
- Notify shift commander
- Establish command post and advise PSC of location
- Request additional personnel and equipment if needed
- For confirmed cases involving missing juvenile, enlist aid of MSP when appropriate
- ensure thorough search is conducted, including missing’s home
- ensure friends and relatives of missing are contacted to establish when last seen or heard from
- request division investigator
- for substantiated missing juvenile cases, institute appropriate intensive search procedures, including coordination of volunteer search teams
- notifications on critical missing persons shall be made to:
- CVAA for juvenile abductions or custody disputes
- Robbery section if ransom demand made
- Homicide section for possible homicide cases
- MSP hq for cases that meet criteria for silver or amber alert (document name and id on missing person report)
- The decision to end a search for a critical missing person shall be made by who?
a. Commissioned officer
- If additional information is received regarding missing person after report, reporting officer shall:
a. Complete case record
b. Contact teletype within 1 hour of receiving info
c. Document notification in case record including date, time, name, id of operator notified on admin tab
- How often must juvenile reports be updated?
a. Every 60 days in new case record
- Searches for missing persons beyond checking of neighborhoods, congregating areas, will be conducted how?
a. as circumstances warrant and based on available info
- upon finding, or voluntary return of missing person, reporting officer shall:
- create case record / update case record detailing missing persons return, circumstances surrounding it
- contact teletype within 1 hour
- notify reporting person
- notify DB
- notify mrd
a. document notifications in case record including date, time, id of teletype operator
when on found child call, should you remove child from place found?
a. no, make every effort to reunite at location child found
- an officer may take an unidentified juvenile into custody if:
a. juvenile is in danger due to surroundings
b. and for purpose of emergency eval
when attempting to ID an unidentified juvenile, ncic should be checked using what function?
a. MPN (non-unique inquiry - requires physical descriptors)
What are the 3 different categories for records entered into NCIC/METERS unidentified persons file?
a. Unidentified deceased persons, including vics of catastrophe
b. Unidentified living persons unaware of their identity such as amnesia, small children, alzheimer’s
c. Body parts
- If an officer is unsuccessful in indentiying a juveniles identity, officer should contact who?
a. Dept of social services
Incident Command System:
The decision to assume or not assume command by a ranking individual can be determined by considering:
a. Is the situation “under control”
b. Are the right people in the right places doing the right things? And if so both the incident and ranking authority may be better served by allowing the lower eranking officer to maintain command while assuming an advisory role with option of taking over if incident degrades.
Command Post is:
The physical location of the field Hqters from which the Incident Commander exercises command and control over the incident.
Division Supervisor
Responsible for the management of a specific area or location and under the direction of a Section Chief or Incident Commander. Normally from one of the lead agencies in the affected jurisdiction.
Establishing Command is
First officer on scene determines the need to implement the ICS and establishes command. Eg. Adam 10 out at Route 1 and Beltway with a large accident, establishing the Route 1 Command
Group Supervisor
A person responsible for managing a specific task under direction of Section Chief ICS commander and normally from one of the lead agencies in the affected jurisdiction.
Incident Action Plan
A plan written or verbal that details the action that have taken place during a given incident.
Incident Commander
Is in charge of the incident in a Unified Command Situation. A team of responsible agency leaders will form the Unified Command with the agency bearing primary responsibility as the lead Incident Command Spokesperson.
heads the incident mgmt. team and consults with team members in decision making.
Incident Command System
A management protocol that is a standardized on scene all hazard incident management system.
Incident Management Team
The group of personnel in direct control of the crisis, including the Incident Commander, Section Chiefs, Div and Group Supervisors and other persons including those from assisting jurisdictions deemed appropriate and necessary by the Incident Commander
Mutual Aid
Assistance rendered in an emergency by one or more law enforcement agencies (provider agencies) to another law enforcement agency ( requesting agency)
Passing Command is when
The first arriving officer arriving determines that the ICS will be necessary but that their immediate functional participation in the incident takes precedence-
‘the pass command. Example Charlie 10 out at Route 1 and the Beltway with shots fired, I’m returning fire, passing command’
Ensures that all responding officers are completely aware of whats going on and that the next arriving officer will need to establish command.
It is unacceptable for everyone to determine that their functional participation in the incident takes precedence in that case no one will be in charge.
Section Chief
A person who is responsible for the management of multiple Divisions and/ or Groups operating within one of the four functional Sections :-
Operations, Planning, Finance/ Administration and Logistics: - this person would normally be from one of the lead agencies in the affected jurisdiction.
The Incident Command system may be activated for any portion of an event or incident that will commit resources for a significant period of time, as deemed appropriate by the on scene officer in charge at the time. Additionally the ICS shall be activated for :
Active Search for critical missing persons
Hazmat incidents
Major incidents involving a mutual response by Dept. employees and other agencies.
True or False? During initial response to an incident, the first officer on the scene will establish command and act as the incident commander until relieved by an authorized authority who assumes command.
True. An example is a barricade where the officer takes command and then is relieved by his supervisor who is then relieved by SOD personnel. The first arriving officer establishes command or pass command until relieved by a higher authority.
True or false? For all incidents in which the Incident Command System is activated, an INCIDENT ACTION PLAN (IAP) will be developed. If incident spans multiple operational periods, the IAP will be in writing and used to brief the Incident Commander and others arriving for the next operational period
True or false? A unified command allows all agencies with responsibility for an incident, either geographic or functional to manage an incident by establishing a common set of incident objectives and strategies without giving up or losing any of its authority, responsibility or accountability.
Unified Command may be applied to incidents that:
Affect jurisdictions that share or border the county
Involve other County agencies such as Public Works, Fire/ EMS, the Health Dept or Dept of Enviromental services
Impact multiple geographic areas and agencies and that require a collaboration of Fed, State and County officials working together
Under Unified Command System, employees shall :
fully cooperate in order to affect a successful resolution of the incident. Employees remain accountable to Dept. policies and procedures but be cognizant of and adhere to the ICS chain of command and order of rank precedence.
True or false? Training is annually for ICS
Following each activation of the Incident Command System
, an Inter- Office Memorandum shall be used to prepare an After Action Report that describes actions taken, results and suggested improvements if any.
The dept is party to the Greater Metro Washington Police and Fire/ Rescue services Mutual Aid Operation Plan.
Facilitate cooperation among law enforcement and Fire/ Rescue agencies in the Metro area and to ensure the maintenance of order, enforcement of law, and public safety during an emergency beyond the capacity of any of the signatory jurisdictions. The Chief, Asst. Chief, Dep. Chiefs and Dist. And Division Commanders will maintain copies of the plan.
Info release regarding critical incident during implementation shall be
the responsibility of the affected jurisdiction through their public Affairs Office or MRD.
True or False? For an agency to request assistance, a State of Emergency shall exist and the Dept. shall have committed or anticipate committing all available resources.
Chief is authorized to request assistance
from designated officials in jurisdictions from which aid is sought.
True or False ? Police Mutual Aid Radio System (PMARS) is primary method of notification, alert and by means by which requests for assistance is made.
Jurisdiction with issue shall
retain command and control. When not sure, two or more jurisdictions are affected , first unit on scene from affected jurisdiction shall establish command and exercise command and control.
true or false? Sector Supervisor whose troops arrived first assumes the role of Incident Commander until relieved by authorized authority who assumed command
In multi- jurisdictional incidents, senior officials from each affected jurisdiction
shall be included in the incident mgmt. team. Pollce command and control during law enforcement incidents and Fire/ EMS Dpt will have command and control during fire/ rescue operations. If issues related to command and control exist, the County Executive shall resolve them.
Use & Deployment of Personnel
All assisting personnel shall be under the control of the Incident Commander.
Nature of the emergency shall dictate how personnel will be deployed.
When possible assisting personnel shall be deployed as units under their own supervisor
Identification of Functional Areas and Personnel
Please line up the locations identified by color coded flags;
Command Post, Staging Area, Triage Area and Media Relations- White, Green, Orange, Blue
Command Post- Blue
Staging Area- Green
Triage Area- Orange
Media Relations Division- White
Identification of Functional Areas and Personnel
Please line up the Personnel Identification System
Police, Fire, Incident Commander, Staging Officer, Triage Officer, Command Physician, Media Relations Division
Police- Armbands
Fire- Vests
Incident Commander- Blue
Staging Officer- Green
Triage Officer- orange, 2 white stripes
Command Physician – Orange 1 white stripe
Media Relations Division White.
True or False? Sets of flags and armbands will be maintained by
Office of the Chief
Deputy Chief, Bureau of Patrol
Special Operations Division
Public Safety Communications
The mobile command post