CHap 3: Variables Flashcards
What are the limitations of operational definition?
- not a one-on-one relationships between variables and measurements
- operational definitions might leave out important components of construct
- sometimes include components that are not part of construct
What is the difference between confounding and extraneous variables?
Confounding-> uncontrolled variable that is allowed to vary systematically with the IV and has the potential to influence the DV
Extraneous-> uncontrolled variable that can influence the DV OR could influence the IV BUT not both
Explain the four types of scales of measurement
Ordinal-> ordered
Interval and Ratio-> equal intervals
(interval= arbitrary zero)
What is a construct?
Unobservable internal mechanism that accounts for externally observed behaviour
What is an operational definition?
procedure for indirectly measuring and defining a variable that cannot be observed or measured directly
What does a positive relationship between two variables means?
It means that the two variables change in same direction (correlation near +1.00)
What is the validity of an experiment?
measurement procedure is actually measuring what it claims to be measuring
What is a face validity?
unscientific form of validity demonstrated when a measurement procedure superficially appears to measure what it claims to measure
What is a concurrent validity?
scores obtained from a new measure directly related to scores from an established measure of the same variable
What is a predictive validity?
scores obtained from a measure accurately predict behavior according to a theory
What is a construct validity?
scores obtained from a measurement procedure behave exactly the same as the variable itself
What is a convergent validity?
strong relationship between the scores obtained from two different methods of measuring the same construct
What is a divergent validity?
little or no relationship between the measurements of two different constructs
What is the reliability of an experiment?
produces identical results when it is used repeatedly to measure the same individual under the same conditions
What are the three types of reliability?
Test-retest reliability→ Successive measurements
- if different tests are used for test and retest→ parallel-forms reliability
Inter-rater reliability→ measurements by two observers
Split-half reliability→ Internal consistency