Chap 3 Flashcards
Non-casual at risk exposure
Exposure is eye mouth other mucous member and ,non-intact skin or by injection with blood or potentially infectious material
A casual exposure is
Contact WITHOUT eye , mouth , other mucous membrane, Non-intact skin ,or parenteral contact(by injection) with blood or other potentially infectious materials
Member exposed shall
Members suspects he has a biological exposure on duty or off duty fire emergency within NYC than he shall notify officer ASAP
If OOD and a member informs you of biological exposure than you shall
- Direct member to fill out MD-X3
- Review accuracy and completeness of MD-X3
- Fax md-X3 and PCR to the on emergency duty medical officer at medical leave desk and fax to OSHA office
- If unable to complete fax call BHS .
- To contact med officer on duty call FDOC
- File original md-x3 in UFS of unit where member was working and give copy to member
- Company journal entry
A member should who has been determined by the medical office to have had a casual exposure should receive confidential determination notice within
10 days
The following g 4 factors are critical in assessing potential risk in exposure situation
Dosage of the disease producing organism
Virulence of disease
Host resistance and health
HBV can remain infectious on surfaces for
Several weeks
Sharps container
Easily accessible and placed as close to the are a of use as possible
Replaced when 3/4 full
Properly close sealed prior to removal and placed in double red bag or infectious waste consigned
Colored red with appropriate biohazard sticker
Infectious waste ( contaminated latex gloves eye/shield face mask or bandages ) shall be
Infectious waste shall be placed in red biohazard bags
CFRD companies give bags to FDNY EMS at scene
If EMS not present red bag returned to quarters and placed infectious waste container located in light traffic area remote on the apparatus floor
Hazardous waste (red bag) disposal policy of FDNY
CFRD companies drop of bags at their CFRD depot
Citywide pickups at CFRD depot
CFRD depot officers contact Solid Waste Technologies to have red bags picked up
Missed pick up from above than OOD call resource center to,generate work order number
Retain work order number until bags pick up
No bags outside quarters under no circumstances
Forward receipts for red bag pick up to FDNY FACILITIES MANAGEMENT/OSHA
Suitable goggles and masks for members who wear corrective lenses and members requiring small or extra large gloves shall be
Ordered form tech services not CFRD depot
Protective googles are not disposable
Disposable body bags can be obtained at the scene from
Deputy chief
Not at scene call him
Use two disposable bags inside a non-disposable
Non-disposable bag gets contaminated notify soc
Decon procedures
Non-disposable contaminated equipment must be cleaned and decon after contact with
Ood ensures that equipment and clothing with minor contamination of blood is spot cleaned by member trained
One packet of bleach to one gallon of water
Empty packet into container first than water
Use PPE when cleaning g
Mixtures remaining after 24 hours disposed of I slop sink
Officer ensure solution prepared daily and old solution discarded
Minor cleaning of soiled PPE
Spotted or lightly soiled with blood
Company officer decides if minor and supervise
If not effective double clear bag
Don gloves and eye shields
Slop sink
Do not take home to clean
Boots and helmets can be immersed in water
ITEMS that are colorfast double cleAr bag
Decon of Motorola radios
Decon in quarters
Can immerse in water
Non-Motorola radios can not be decon in quarters
Decon non Motorola radios
Not in quarters Can not immerse in water Double clear bag with biohazard label Placed in light traffic area Notify soc for pick up
Procedure for ffs work duty uniform or firefighting PPE becomes contaminated with larges amounts of body fluids then
- IC notify soc for the need for temporary replacement t gear
- IC have all items placed in double clear bag
With biohazard - BSI at all times when handling
- Place in light traffic area on apparatus floor (remote )
- Bag marked with members name !assigned unit and type contaminant
When members PPE is grossly conagmineted and placed in double clear bag the following info shall be marked on bag
Assigned unit
Type of contaminant
Members overexposed to bleach shall
Moved to fresh air
In case of contact flush skin or eyes for at least 15
OOD notify BHS during normal hours or medical officer on duty