chap 18 Flashcards
BAD cholestrol
main carrier cholesterol
uptake of LDL= tissues become saturadted and the rest is uptaken by cells near endothetial cells
good chol
syn in liver
-reverse transport of chol, carrying cholesterol from the tissue back to the liver
increased lvl of CHOL in the blood
CHOL is transported in blood by
primary hypercholestremia and secondary hypercholestremia
- genetic basis
2. obesity with high-calorie intake, sedentary lifestyle, and diabetes mellitus.
no risk person should have LDL CHOL GOAL OF
160 MG/DL
excess cals
ower HDL and elevate LDL
saturated fats
influnce CHOL the raise VLDL and LDL lvls
men are at greater risk of developing
CAD than premenopausal women probs because of estrogens
of studies say that CRP(c-reactive proteins)
can predict future cardiovascular events in healthy ppl
-CRP is an inflamm phase reactant, so hospitalization can elevate CRP lvls.
risk fctor for the development of atherosclerosis
fatty streak
, fibrous plaque, complicated lesion
developement of atherosclerosis
- endothial cell injury
- miigration of inflamm cells.
- lipid accumulation and smooth muscle cell proliferation
- plaque structure
earliest responses to elevated CHOL lvls
is the attachment of monocytes to the endothelium, where theyare transformed into macropahges. the macrophages relase free radicals that oxidize LDL (which is toxic to endothelium) this leads to platelet adhesion and aggreation.
group of vascular disorders that cause inflam innjury and necrosis of the blood vessel wall.
types of vascultides
1, small vessel vascultides involve the skin and are often a complication of an underlying disease
- medium-sized= necrosis to arteries to large organs
- large= inflam?
effects are similar
of the periphral vascular disorders and crnary and cerebral shit
PAD (perpiheral artery disease)
atherso in the distal part of the aorta most common in men in their 60s and 70s, heavy smokers.
+ primary symp= claudication or pain with walking
+TISSUE necrosis and pain come after
+palpation of pulses allows to see the degree of the obstruction
thromboangiitis obliterans
medium sized arts. 25-40 years men smokers pain peripheral pulses and dim or gone chronic- malformed nails
raynaud phenomenon
functional disorder caused by intense vasospasm of arts in finger and sometimes toes
dilation of blood vessel
true ane= its bounded by a complete vessel wall, blood remains
flase ane= tear in wall, vessel enlargment
abd aneurysm
most common form of ane, ass with atherosc
freq in men
aortic dissection
acute life threatening condition, hemmrrhage into the vessel wall forming a blood-filled channel
CB conditions that weaken layers of aorta .
pain in chest and back then pulse cannot be read
the artial blood pressure
reflects the rhythmic ejection of blood from the left ventrical into the aorta
short term reg of BP relais on
nerual and humoral mechanisms
neural mech
in medulla and pons where ANS responses occur
(cardiovasular center). transmits parasym impluses to heart VIA heart and symp impluses to the blood vessels thorugh spinal cord.
vagal stim
slowing of the heart
sympatheic stim
increase in heart rate and cardiac contractability
intinsic reflex
rapid and short term reg of BP
extrinsic reflexes
mediate blood pressure responses assosiated with factors such as pain and cold.
atrial chemoreceptors
are cells that monitor the O2, CO2 and H ions in blood
can cause VASOCON
renin is relased in response to ^ in sympa nervous sys or a decrease in BP. converts to angio 1 the to 2. angio 2 is the short and long term reg of BP, vasocon, and sodium excretion.
anitdiuretic hormone, vaso con
long term reg
KIDNEYS and extracelluar fluid
increased adrenocortical hormones
can give rise to hypertension. the faciliate salt and water retention by the kidney.
coarctation of the aorta
narrowing of the aorta
increase in systolic BP and blood flow to the upper part of the body
borth control
can cause hypertenison
hypertension increases the workload of
the left ventricle by increasing the pressure against the heart which it has to pump as it ejects blood in the sys sirc. as the workload increases, heart gotta hypertrophies to comp increased pressure work
gestatinal hypertension
- 140/ 90 or more and proteinuria
2. “ and no protein
orthostatic hypten
early sign of reduced BV of fluid deficit
venous sys in the legs involves two things:
superficial veins and deep venous channels
venous thormbosis (3things)
stasis of blood
^blood coagulability
vessel wall injury