chap 17 Flashcards
heart disease
40% of all postnatal deaths nearly twice the number of deaths caused by all forms of cancer combined
heart pumps
over 6000 liters
of blood daily
Cardiac myocytes
comprise ~ 25% of the total number of cells in the heart, but >90% of the myocardial volume The rest population: -endothelial cells -fibroblast -inflammatory cells rare collagen is sparse
Major Disorders of CVS
Congenital heart disease
Ischemic heart disease (responsible for 80% to 90% of cardiovascular deaths)
Hypertensive heart disease (systemic and pulmonary)
Valvular heart disease
Nonischemic (primary) myocardial disease
pulmonary circulation
- moves blood though lungs
- consists of the right side of the heart, pul arts, pul caps, pul veins
- functions with a lower pressure (12 mmhg) and moves slowly which is good for gas exchange
systematic circulation
moves blood to tissues
- against gravity so pressure has to up to (90-100 mmhg_
principals that govern blood flow in the circulatory system
shit that governs flow of blood in the circ system
- pressure
- resistance
- flow
blood flow
laminar blood low
layers, platelets being in the middle
reduces friction and slides easily
anemics ans low blood viscosity
low blood viscosity allows the blood to move faster and accounts for the transient occurence of heart murmurs in some ppl who are anemic
heart murmur results from
turbulent flow through a diseased heart valve
blood vessel streching and accommodating incread blood volume
most distensable vessles
total quantity of blood that can be stored
vein is 24 times more compliant
heart beats
about 70 times/min
point of maximal impluse
on thorax
fifth and 6th ribs
below nipple
apox 3 inches lft of midline
conduction happens in what heart layer
where the rhythmic impluse is generated
- fastest intrinsic rate of firing
- normally the pacemaker of the heart
internodal pathways
conduct the impluse from the SA node to the AV node
when the SA node dicharges
the impluses are conducted into the AV junctional and Purkinje fibers, causing them to fire
action potentials (three parts)
- resting phase
- depolarization
- repolarization
major charge carriers in cardiac muscle cells
- NA
- K
- Ca
two mains types of action potentials int he heart
- the slow response
2. fast response
is released during vagal stim of the heart
-slows the heart rate by decreasing the slope of phasee 4
phase 0-4 (phases in action potential)
0-Phase 0 is the rapid depolarization phase
1-nactivation of the fast Na+ channels
2-This “plateau” phase of the cardiac action potential inward movement of Ca2), and outward movement of K
3-the “rapid repolarization” phase
4-resting membrane potential, and describes the membrane potential when the cell is not being stimulated.
absolute refactory phase
period during which no stimuli can generate another action potenial
- during theis pahse cells CANNOT deplarize