Chap 18 Flashcards
The scientific study of hair and its diseases.
The hair on a fetus is extremely soft and downy.
Very fine, soft hair (or lanugo hair), found in areas that are not covered by the larger, coarse terminal hairs.
Vellus hair
Longer, course hair found on the head, brows, lashes, genitals, arms, and legs.
Terminal hair
A mass of epidermal cells forming a small tube, or canal.
Hair follicle
This anchors hair to the skin cells and is part of the hair located at the bottom of the follicle below the surface of the skin
Hair root
Defined as the part of the hair located above the surface of the skin
Hair shaft
Contains the hair follicle and it’s appendages
Pilosebaceous unit
Thick, club shaped structure made from epithelial cells that surround the papilla.
Hair bulb
Cone shaped elevation at the base of the follicle, fits into the bulb
Hair papilla
The growth stage during which new hair is produced.
The transition stage of hair growth.
The final, or resting, stage of hair growth.
Excessive hair growth on the face, arms, and legs, especially in women.
Excessive hair growth of the terminal hair in the areas f the body that normally grow only vellus hair.
The process by removing hair by the means of electricity, considered the on,y method of permanent hair removal.
This Method of electrolysis utilizes a high frequency current to produce heat, which coagulates and destroys the hair follicle. Also known as electrocoagulation.
Use of intense light to destroy the growth of cells in the hair bulb.
Intense pulse light; differ any from traditional laser, pulsed light produces a quick flash of light.
Process of removing hair at or near the level of skin. Shaving or chemical depilation.
Process of removing hair from the bottom of the follicle by breaking contact between the bulb and papilla
Infected follicles or ingrown hairs from shaving or other hair removal methods
Barbae folliculitis
Substance, usually a caustic alkali preparation, used for temporarily removing superfluous hair by dissolving it at the skin level
Also known as banding, works by using cotton thread that is twisted and rolled along the surface of the skin
Another ancient method of hair removal, alternate for those with sensitive skin or who reacts to waxes with bumps or redness.