Chap 15 : Psychological Disorders Flashcards
Attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) and how to diagnose?
a psychological disorder marked by the appearance by age 7 of one or more of 3 key symptoms; extreme inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity,
Psychological disorder? (3 key terms)
deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
The Medical Model (understanding psychological disorders)
the concept that diseases, in this case psychological disorders, have physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated and (in most cases) cured, often through treatment in a hospital.
The Biopsychosocial Approach
biological, psychological and social-cultural factors interact to produce specific psychological disorders.
Are psychological disorders universal og cultural specific?
some psychological disorders are culture-specific. EG. anorexia, (western) og taijin-kyofusho (japan). Others eg. schizophrenia occure in all cultures.
The American Psychriatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth edition, with an updated “text revision” a widely used system for classifying psychological disorders.
Anxiety disorders
psychological disorders characterized by distressing, persistent anxiety or maladaptive behaviors that reduce anxiety.
Generalized anxiety disorder
an anxiety disorder in which a person is continually tense, apprehensive, and in a state of autonomic nervous system arousal.
Panic disorder
an anxiety disorder marked by unpredictable, minute long episodes of intense dread in which a person experiences terror and accompanying chest pain, chocking, or other frightening sensations.
an anxiety disorder marked by a persistent, irrational fear and avoidance of a specific object, activity or situation.
“debriefing” for PTSD soilders right after evens has ben proven…
ineffective and sometimes harmful
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?
an anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts (obsessions) and/or actions (compulsions)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
an anxiety disorder characterized by haunting memories, nightmares, social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, and/or insomnia that lingers for four weeks or more after a traumatic experience.
What are the two contemporary perspectives on understanding Anxiety disorders?
The Learning perspective and the Biological Perspective
How can anxiety genes effect the brain?
by effeting levels of serotonin (a neurotransmitter) that influsences mood and sleep. Or affeting level of glutamate (a neurotransmitter) which if overproduces can cause the brains alarmcenter to be overactive.
Mood disorders?
psychological disorders charaterized by emotional extremes. See major depressive disorder, mania and bipolar disorder.
Researchers believe that anxiety disorders are influenced by conditioning, observational learning and cognition. What biological factors contribute to these disorders?
biological factors include inherited temperement differences; learned fears that have altered brain pathways; and outdated, inherited responses that had survival value for our distant ancestors.
Major depressive disorder
a mood disorder in which a person experineces, in the absence of drugs or another medical condition, two or more weeks of significantly depressed moods or diminished interest or pleasure in most activities, along with at least four other symptoms.
a mood disorder marked by a hyperactive, widely optimistic state
Bipolar disorder
a mood disorder in which a person alternates between the hopelessness and lethargy of depression and the overexcited state of mania.
Diagnose depression
5 or more symphtones, 2-week periode
What does it mean to say that “depression is a whole-body disorder”?
Many factors contribute to depression, including biological influences of genetics and brain function. Social-cognetive factors incl interaction of explanatoray style, mood, stress response and changes in our patterns of thinking and behaving. Whole body involved.
a group of severe disorders characterized by disorganized and delusional thinking, disturbed perception, and inappropriate emotions and behaviors.
define Psychosis
a psychological disorder in which a person loses contact with reality, experiencing irrational ideas and disorted perseptions.
define Delusions
false beliefs, often of persecution or grandeur, that may accompany psychotic disorders.
Dissociative disorders
disorders in which conscious awareness becomes separated (dissociated) from precious memories, thoughts, and feelings.
Dissiciative identity disorder (DID)
a rare dissociative disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct and alternative personalities. Formerly called multiple personallity disorder.
What factors contribute to the onset and development of schizophrenia?
biological factors including abnormalities in brain structure and function, exposure to a maternal virus and genetic factors. Howewer schizophrenia is more likely to develop given a high-risk environment.
anorexia nervosa
…maintaning a starvation diet despite significantly (15% or more) underwaight
Bulimia nervosa
…binge eating with purging or fasting.
The psychodynamic and earning perspectives agree that dissociative identity disorder symptoms are ways of dealing with anxiety. How do their explanations differ?
The psychodynamic explanation of DID symptones is that they are defenses against anxiety generated by unacceptable urges. The learning perspective attempts to explain there symptones as behaviors that have been reinforced be relieving anxiety in the past.
Personality disorders
psychological disorders characterized by inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning.
Antisocial personality disorder
a personality disorder in which a person (ussually a man) exhibits a lack of conscience for wrongdoing, even towards friends and family members. May be agressive and ruthless or a clever con artist.
How do biological and psychological factors contribute to antisocial personality disorder?
twin/adoption studies show that biological relatives of people with this disorder are at increased risk for antisocial behavior. Negative environmental factors, such as poverty or childhood abuse may channel genetic traits such as fearlessness in more dangerous directions - towards agression and away som social responsibility.
Withdrawn avoidant personality disorder
want other to like them but terrified of criticism so they avoid people
Schizoid personality disorder
no interest in interpersonal relationahips, dont get emotions, cold.
Histrionic personality disorder
(=dama queen) over the top emotional expression, inapropate behavior….
borderline personality disorder
instablity in relationships, goals. Emotions all over, terrified od being abonned, self destructive..
What does antidepressive medicine do?
tend to increase norepinephrine or serotonin supplies by blocking either their reuptake (prozac, Zoloft, Paxil) or their chemical breakdown
What is the vicious cycle of depressed thinking
stressfull experience –> negative explanatory style –> depressed mood –> cognitive and behavioral changes
a hyper responsive dopamine system is associated with
cataonic schizophrenia
immobility, extreme negativism, and/or parrot-like repeating of anothers speech or movemets.
What are the 3 clusters of personality disorder?
anxiety featured, eccentric/ odd behaviour and dramatic/impulsive behaviour